Saturday, 31 August 2013

The Skywoods @ Dairy Farm Road - PREVIEWING SOON!!

The Skywoods @ Dairy Farm Road (D23)

Located near Upper Bukit Timah Vicinity

The Skywoods @ Dairy Farm Road has 420 Units comprising of 1+S/2/3/4 and Penthouse Units
Comprising of 6 Residential Blocks of 18 Stories Each, 99 year leasehold
Expected TOP in Dec 2016

·        5 min WALK to the Future Hillview MRT Station
·        7 min WALK to Rail Mall
·        3 min Drive to Hillion Mall
·        3 min Drive to Junction 10
·        2 min Drive to Bukit Panjang Plaza
·        1km to Bukit Panjang Primary
·        1km to CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace

The Skywoods @ Dairy Farm Road enjoys a First Mover Advantage with 6 future GLS land sites, 3 more educational institutes

Tenant’s favourite & family style living with many Discoveries and the Wonderment of Nature Parks

The Skywoods Price Guide:

Typical Units
1+1 : $715K - $780K
2 Brm : $850K - $980K
3 Brm : $1.2m - $1.35m
4 Brm : $1.38m - $1.68m

Penthouse Units
1+1 PH : $817K - $835K
2 Brm PH : $1m – 1.21m
3 Brm PH : $1.4m – 1.6m
4 Brm PH : $1.77m - $1.9m


Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 

The Skywood @ Dairy Farm Road, Location Map

The Skywoods @ Dairy Farm Road, Site Plan

The Skywoods, 1+S Typical Layout

The Skywoods, 2 Bedroom Typical Layout

The Skywoods, 3 Bedroom Typical Layout

The Skywoods 4 Bedroom Typical Layout

The Skywoods 4 Bedroom Penthouse Layout

Exploiting Opportunities In The Various Market Segments As They Occur

Hi all Guru I am a CEA registered salesperson currently doing part time. My full time job only require me to work 3-4 days per week, As residential market is rather slow at the moment, I want to do commercial rental such office or shops rental, but my manager do not do commercial at all, thus I lost my direction. Please advise?

Posted by Mr. Ong Kian Soon - Aug 27, 2013 - Viewed 157 times

Answers (9)

Mervin Tang 
Posted Aug 31, 2013
Hello Mr Ong, 

Thank you for your query on the above.

There are 2 aspects to your question here:

Limited expertise by your direct manager
The problem that you are facing is not an unusual one, this is a very common aspect in the Real Estate business. The industry is one that is extremely broad, ranging from

A) Project New Launch
B) Private Resale & Rentals
C) HDB Resale & Rentals
D) Commercial / Industrial

As such, it is not uncommon not to have cross field knowledge. Or simply put, someone who claims to be an expert in all domains clearly is lying.

The residential market is slow, ONLY in certain aspects. In other aspects, the market is highly robust and doing remarkably well. The key here is to have the direction and training to access those areas that are doing well, BOTH for resale, new launch sale and rentals. 

The demand for residential properties is ALWAYS there, the cooling measure and new rule implementation simply seek to divert and channel this demand elsewhere. Once you are able to identify these "hot spots", therein only lies the question of whether you are able to exploit these opportunities.

Sometimes the detriment to a good strategy implementation is in misdiagnosing the current condition and overlooking the key opportunities that present themselves. 

Based on the 2 points above, key and fundamental to accessing a lucrative market lies in 2 domains:

1. Clear and decisive leadership to identify the areas of opportunity EVEN in the residential market to exploit them, and 
2. Leveraging and teamwork to provide a one-stop solution for comprehensive training that ALLOWS the associates to ACT ON the opportunities when they arise be it;


HDB or 

Our team strives to achieve the above, where team and individual building is the hallmark of training and leading ALL of our associates.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Friday, 30 August 2013

Making the First Step The One In The Right Direction!!

Hi I'm kelvin I hv join my friend as an agent since tis year and already 8 mth he never coach me in property.He say u don't need to follow me u can follow any of our team mate as there r many agent in our team becoz I wanted to start up as a part time agent. It is as a part time agent u can't learn at night or weekend.I feel like I hv joining wrong agency n I feel like switching agency. Pls advise.

Posted by Mr. kelvin hum - Aug 27, 2013 - Viewed 256 times

Answers (16)

Mervin Tang
Posted Aug 31, 2013
Hello Kelvin, 

Thank you for voicing your query. 

The query that you have put up is not an uncommon state of affairs after coming into the Real Estate Industry.

Currently CEA's main focus is on protecting the interest of landlords, tenants, sellers and buyers, which of course leaves the world of recruitment of new associates to be a pure cowboy town.

In essence, it means that recruiters can promise the Sun and the Moon and utterly fail to deliver on their promises once the new associate signs up. This is the primary cause for the high failure rate of new associates, of which the industry norm is up to 70% in their first year.

Which of course brings up the question, 

"Why bother to recruit them in the first place?!"

Personally I am a person who values my time, if and when we bring people in, we had better be darn sure that they succeed. Reverse engineering the success formula, the success of a new associate stems from 3 main aspects:

1. Strong and Clear Leadership which is ALWAYS accessible to the queries of the downline.

2. A Strong and Supportive Team Culture:
Within my team, almost my entire team are made up of FRESH associates who have no previous experience. The advantage that this posed is that they come in fresh having an open mind. As such, the team culture is such that "Noobs are EVERYONE's Responsibility". Not only is leadership critical, but having seniors leading them in the field makes Lions out of Lambs. 

In short, instead of getting 1 mentor, you get 30!!

3. Comprehensive Training: There are 4 broad domains of Real Estate,
A) Projects
B) Private Resale/Rentals
C) HDB Resale/Rentals
D) Industrial/Commercial

Presently, the Division has comprehensively developed a training cycle that covers all 4 domains to give a new associate the necessary skills to handle any opportunity that comes their way.

Recently, we have evolved the above training program to include Field Work in the Projects arena. This involves forming the Newbie class into Project Core Teams to tackle large projects and press for an actual result, with live buyers in the showflat.

Hence in essence, our approach is a holistic one that maximises the chances for a new associate to succeed. Presently, we have numerous cases of new associates closing within their 1st Month in the business, and also associates achieving 90-10 within 6 months.

This has all been intentionally designed for, there are no random accidents.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Commission Sharing Structures and Understanding their Underlying Philosophy..

Hi, I understand all agencies levy a certain % on commission earned by new salesperson. eg: 30% on the 1st $30K and 10% thereafter onwards. Some refund RES course fee, etc. Can various 'Shi-fu' enlighten me on your respective agency's practise so that I can have a better understanding before I join you. Tks

Posted by Eric Tan - Aug 26, 2013 - Viewed 193 times

Answers (9)

Mervin Tang
Posted Aug 31, 2013
Hello Eric,

Thank you on your above query,

First and foremost, the key question that you should be asking yourself is,

"Why does the commission structure work that way?"

Broadly, ALL commission schemes are designed around 2 key philosophies, namely:

A) "A Sense of Entitlement", this philosophy characterises organisation structures that are tall and deep, meaning, the over-riding fees support multiple tiers upwards even though they may have little impact on your activities and training.

B) "Flat, Fast Growing Structures", this philosophy typically has very flat structures that push the bulk of the rewards to the downlines to build them up as fast as possible. This structure encourages constant grooming and recruitment which often results in very fast and dynamic growth.

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd is one such business entity that functions precisely this way!!

Secondly, of all the search criteria that you could put up as a first step in the Real Estate world, the commission structure should be the least of your concerns.

The key ingredients that you should be looking for are namely:

2. A Team Culture of Sharing and Support

Within Huttons Asia Pte Ltd, the lowest entry level is:

80-20 for Gross Comm up to $50k
85-15 for Gross Comm up to $80k
90-10 for Gross Comm above $90k

For the above, each commission stage is a benchmark to be fought for and earned by all our associates.

There are no short-cuts or entitlements. 
Each successful milestone is like a badge of honour earned via hard work and experience. 
Thus each and every associate that we train and succeeds has deep confidence each time they open their mouth to speak.

Hope the above sheds some light on your query!!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Monday, 19 August 2013

THE GRAND PREVIEW: The Tembusu @ Kovan

Field Report Live From The Ground @ The Grand Preview of The Tembusu @ Kovan

Preview Day -1 Set Up for Buyers @ The Tembusu

Preview Day -1 Set Up for Buyers @ The Tembusu Showflat

Preview Day -1 Queue and Booking Area @ The Tembusu

Preview Day, Count Down To Balloting @ The Tembusu

Preview Day Balloting Begins @ The Tembusu

Preview Day Balloting @ The Tembusu

Packed Show Suite, Balloting for The Tembusu in Progress
Queueing Area at The Tembusu, Balloting in Progress

Sales Booking Area @ The Tembusu

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Beautiful Bay & Seaview! Bright and Windy, 1001sqft 2 Bedroom At Kallang Riverside

 KALLANG RIVERSIDE for Rent. 2BR, 1001sf. High floor, balcony, open sea view, no west sun, efficient layout. Excellent condition. Fully furn...