Sunday, 29 September 2013

CLMD Projects Training Part 5 - PROJECT ANALYSIS PART II

Dear Champion Advisor,

CLMD Projects Training Part 5 - PROJECT ANALYSIS PART II

A Quick Recap:-

In Part One of training, we have examined the current market climate to identify the current strengths,  opportunities and the challenges moving forward. 

In Part Two last week, we zoomed in to the areas of opportunity that are available as business opportunities for the Real Estate Salesperson.

In Part Three, we will examined the specific marketing techniques that may be used to make the best of the opportunities as identified.

In Part Four, we have examined how a distant project launch can have an impact on ongoing projects that you may be currently marketing.  By understanding the effects and impacts of these projects, you would actively be able to counter and manage your own buyer's expectations.

This Week!!
We approach PROJECTS AGAIN, to analyse and study how:

1) To select projects for core team/hype.

2) To select projects from a leadership/training perspective.

The objective of this session would be to best place yourself in a position to select projects to achieve a positive outcome.

Topic : Project SWOT Analysis PART II
Venue : Huttons #05-01
Time : 2-4pm
Date : 1st October 2013 (Tues)
Course Lead : Mervin Tang

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Sunday, 22 September 2013

CLMD Projects Training Part 4 - PROJECT ANALYSIS

Dear Leaders,

For your dissemination:

CLMD Projects Training Part 4 - PROJECT ANALYSIS

A Quick Recap:-

In Part One of training, we have examined the current market climate to identify the current strengths,  opportunities and the challenges moving forward.  These aspects are 

In Part Two last week, we zoomed in to the areas of opportunity that are available as business opportunities for the Real Estate Saleperson.

In Part Three, we will examined the specific marketing techniques that may be used to make the best of the opportunities as identified.

This Week!!

We approach PROJECTS from a NEUTRAL and UNBIASED approach to analyse and study how:

1) To select projects for core team/hype.

2) To select projects from a leadership/training perspective.

3) How to counter threats to current projects.

Topic : Project SWOT Analysis 
Venue : Huttons #05-02
Time : 2-4pm
Date : 24th September 2013 (Tues)
Course Lead : Mervin Tang
Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

CLMD Project Marketing - PROSPECTING in the NEW Real Estate Market, 10th September, 2-4pm, Huttons Training Room #05-02

Dear Leaders, 

For your dissemination:

CLMD Project Marketing - PROSPECTING in the NEW Real Estate Market 10th September 2013, 2-4pm Huttons Office #05-02

Dear All, 

Following on our previous class where we have taken stock in the current Real Estate Market climate, we have seen that we are at a TURNING POINT in the industry.

Based on REAL TIME FEEDBACK and DIRECT EXPERIENCE on the ground, we have identified strengths, weaknesses and most importantly OPPORTUNITIES that are arising in the market at present.  This strategic aspect now gives us the chance to align our business strategy to best EXPLOIT these OPPORTUNITIES to further build up our business.

Therein comes this week's class..

"..The definition of the word stupid, is to keep repeating the same thing and hoping for a different result.."

CHANGE drives EVOLUTION, thus as the market changes, so must our MARKETING METHODOLOGY

We will review where we left off, starting where the identified OPPORTUNITIES lie in the market, and then building marketing systems to exploit these.

Date:  10th September 2013
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: Huttons Asia Pte Ltd Office #05-02
Trainer:  Mervin Tang
Homework:  Come with a clear idea on your strategic approach to the rest of 2013 and 2014.

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

CLMD Project Training Sequence 03/09 - 2pm: Setting a NEW Strategy For The Current Business Climate, AAR For The Tembusu

Dear Leaders, 

For your dissemination:

CLMD Project Training Sequence 03/09 - 2pm: Setting a NEW Strategy For The Current Business Climate, AAR For The Tembusu

Dear All, 

The market within which we operate these days is very DYNAMIC and FAST PACED one as compared to the past where policy changes occur few and far between.

This DYNAMISM works to the ADVANTAGE of the HUTTONS Agent.


Simply because the fast paced world of project sales EVOLVES at a pace which traditional real estate models cannot match.

The trick then is to devise effective strategies exploit the opportunities that open up in this environment.  Let's find out what they are!!

The basis for sampling with be an After Action Review (AAR) on the field project team work at The Tembusu, 

Tembusu Team:  Compulsory to attend to do a post mortem analysis for future upgrading on our approach to project sales.

Date:  3rd September 2013
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue:  Huttons Asia Pte Ltd #05-01
Trainer:  Mervin Tang

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Beautiful Bay & Seaview! Bright and Windy, 1001sqft 2 Bedroom At Kallang Riverside

 KALLANG RIVERSIDE for Rent. 2BR, 1001sf. High floor, balcony, open sea view, no west sun, efficient layout. Excellent condition. Fully furn...