Sunday, 29 June 2014

CLMD Weekly Training: International Projects, GTA WORK PLAN For Private Resale and Rental

Dear Team Leaders, 

For your dissemination:

RE:  CLMD Weekly Training: International Projects, GTA WORK PLAN For Private Resale and Rental

Dear All!

The above is STRONGLY recommended for Newbies and for Seniors venturing into:

A) International Projects
B) Private Resale & Rentals

International Projects
2014 Quarter 1 TOP Producers were dominated by Real Estate Salespersons from Huttons International marketing overseas properties.

We shall examine the hidden potential of some of these territories and custom them to the tastes and requirements of your buyers.

Private Resale & Rentals : GTA Building
GTA Building.  The concept is to turn new associates into industry veterans overnight.
ALL new associates should start with this in mind.  To build a GTA in your backyard for resale and rentals.

Benefits of GTA:
1. LOW cost of marketing
2. Established reputation with other agents AND landlords/sellers
3. Easy to swing tenants & buyers
4. Little time spent for travel to and from viewings, time effective!
5. Expert location knowledge
6. Since someone is doing the transactions.. WHY NOT YOU?!

Location: Huttons Office #05-02
Date: Tuesday 1st July 2014
Time: 2-4pm
Trainer: Mervin Tang

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Singapore property market updates from a Q&A Perspective..

1.       Is it a best time if we buy/invest now to buy the condo? Please advise.

Investing in investments constitute 2 main components. 

Timing & The Product.

A)     Timing
Timing is a function of market cycles.  In this aspect, it is like a passing wave that lifts all ships in an ocean.  It really does not matter what ship you are sailing on, as all the ships will rise to varying degrees.  The point is, that they will ALL rise.

B)     The Product
The Product here pertains mostly to the opportunity that presents itself at the given point in time, these are windows that open regardless of the investment climate.  Using the same example as the above, of the whole fleet of ships sailing the high seas, some are better built, better crewed, faster, and perform better regardless of the sea condition.  

These will reach their destinations in good weather or in stormy seas.  A good investment product works the same way.  The window to own such products opens once every so often.  Once they are missed, the ship has sailed.

2.       As your experience, how is the prospect of property in Singapore in the future/next year?

The real estate climate for Singapore of the future/next year really is about:

“Look closely, and the closer you look, the less you will see..”

Property investment is about looking further into the future then the present. 


Every piece of property is unique and one of a kind, the chance to own something from a world renown, established and well-conceived product does not present itself at every turn of the market.  The idea is to hold onto a collector’s piece like this until the market moves in your favor.

The statistics that we cannot run away from are that we are looking at planning for a 6.9 million population to have in Singapore.  This number is inevitable as it is the critical mass needed to keep pace with the other leading global cities. The projected immigration that is expected to push the population up to that number will lead to a supply shortage in the long haul.

Furthermore, the projected immigrants who will be coming into Singapore will almost certainly be in the high strata of society. 

Aka, the rich and very rich. 

Much has been said about Singapore having a higher than proportionate number of millionaires living within our country.  This wealth is widely accepted to have been “transplanted” from overseas from our migrants and these would inevitably find their way into real estate one way or another either through direct ownership of property, or from paying rentals to the property owners.

The current market status shows a pipeline of competed units coming available on the market in the near term.  However the same report neglects to mention the key statistic that would impact property pricing, which in this case is the vacancy rate which shows apartments that do not have tenants. 

The fact is that vacancies remain low being that current vacancies arise from structural recycling of tenants as leases turn over.
Hence the outlook for residential real estate will be robust for the short through long term.

3.       According to my banker and some relatives, now is the highest price in property and not a good time to buy/invest one. The price is said to decrease next year. What is your suggestion?

The concern here is twofold.  Firstly it implies that the cyclical rules apply. 

What cyclical rules mean in this context is that when variable inputs have reached their limits, each input increase leads to a more than proportionate increase in costs of production, hence leading to price increases precipitating a price fall due to a drop in demand.

This is true given that 1 critical assumption must apply for a cycle to take place.

1.       It must be a closed market whereby no other variable inputs may enter

In global markets today, this critical assumption no longer applies, people and money move freely across borders, and as such, Singapore’s property market is one in which we have seen rapid population growth in the last decade, as well as high rates of foreign investments into Singapore properties.  In the last 10 years we have experienced a population increase from 3 million residents to the current 5 million.  This number is set to increase.  Given Singapore’s reputed and stable economy, the migrants who take up residence here inevitably bring their wealth as well.
Second, the expected price decrease is expected over the next year.

The current spate of cooling measures is targeted not so much at bringing down prices, but more so to freeze the market.  We in Singapore have currently seen up to 7 rounds of “cooling measures” and not once did the prices come down, rather the impact is only on the resale transactions that have been greatly impacted.  There has been a small reduction in prices over the past few quarters but have we paused to ask ourselves the nature of these price reductions?

For serious price reductions to occur, there must be 2 critical factors occurring:

1.       A large spike in Interest Rates.  Much has been said over the past few years about the impending interest rates and that the low interest rates WILL inevitably increase due to the “interest rate” cycles.  I have noticed that of late, there has not been any discussion of this in the media by any “experts”.  It is as though it is a forgotten episode that is closed and over.  The reality of it is that, we could be in a liquidity trap whereby interest rates are kept extremely low for the foreseeable future.

2.      Mass unemployment.  The other main factor that could lead property owners to slash prices and see their investments is in a situation where their primary income source is hit and affects their holding power.  In this case, we are economically at a stage of very low unemployment and it is hard to see a coming economic event that would lead this trend to reverse.  Furthermore, the majority of property investments are positive cash flow investments, which means in addition to paying off the interest and mortage, home owners take home some extra.  How then would prices be forced to drop?

Thus there remains to examine the nature of the pricing drops.  

Why are these sellers selling at reduced prices?

My view is that the majority of these sellers are in situations whereby they are forced to
sell.  Either by government implemented rules for example taking possession of HDB BTO or
EC units, or to get ABSD remission on upgrading their matrimonial homes.  These sellers
have a 6 month window to sell their existing properties, and HAVE to take the best offer
offered to them.  The second group of sellers that are reducing prices are that of the project
developers.  These due to market forces are inevitable as these are products that are poorly
received by the market. 

Well-conceived products by established developers are usually well taken up and no price
reductions are expected thereafter.

Hence taking into consideration the above, a case be made that the current market is in 
a plateau, a respite on upward trending prices before the sheer weight of demand begins
pushing prices upwards again even with the current cooling measures in place.

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

LA FIESTA @ Sengkang - Best Priced Developer Sales BESIDE MRT!!



La Fiesta is a 810 Unit, 16 Level Development, 99 Year Leasehold Development
La Fiesta will TOP in June 2017

BEST Priced Units, 1 min to Sengkang MRT, Compass Point, Bus Interchange
-        Prime 2 Bedroom, 947sqft
-        3 Bedroom Compact, 893sqft
-        3 Bedroom Premium, 1001sqft
-        4 Bedroom Dual Key, 1345sqft

BEST and Efficient Square Layouts, Liner Design With Maximum Lighting And Ventilation

BEST Investment Potential, Right In The Core Of Sengkang Township With Established Economical, And Upcoming Medical Facilities.

BEST For Owner Occupation With Easy Access to Transportation And A Full Shopping Mall Next Door!!

STAR Buy Units @ La Fiesta From:

2 Brm - $971,600
3 Brm - $1,067,400
4 Brm DK - $1,580,000

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd & Huttons International Stand Apart From Other Agencies..

Hi, I'm currently a student and look forward to start my career as a property agent doing part-time before swtching to full-time in the near future. Any word of advice you can give me on what i should look out for in choosing an agency to join. I know it's a sensitive topic here but i would really like to learn and research more before making a decision. Cheers

Posted by Mr. Terence Tang - 2014-06-19 16:58:04 - Viewed 80 times

Hello Terence,

Thank you for your question, the position you are at is a common one for new joiners into the industry.

For selecting an agency to join, simply put, there are 2 types of agencies.

Those that have Projects Sales (Meaning developers have given them the trust and privilege to market their developments), and those agencies that do not.

If you are looking purely at resale and rentals, then any agency would suffice.

However, if you would like having a ready catalog of ready products to sell, then selecting an agency that is reputed and established in Project Sales would be the way to go.  In this domain, Huttons Asia Pte Ltd and Huttons International are undoubtedly the market leaders in this domain.

2014 is a year characterized by massive slow downs in transnational volumes in both HDB and Private Resale.  This has led to many Real Estate Salespersons leaving the industry.  Under the Huttons umbrella, things are very much different.

First and foremost, the market has promoted developers to pay commissions that are above that of what a private owner can afford to pay.

Secondly, ABSD, TDSR and other concerns that are deal breakers in the Singapore market are easily managed via our International Projects that allow would-be investors a chance to buy into markets that show the same promise as Singapore did in the 1960s.

Once you have made the agency selection, the next step would be to speak with a team leader who is able and willing to groom you to be a successful RES, that way you would achieve what the industry offers that you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere:

"The chance for an extremely early retirement!"

Hope the above sheds some light into your coming journey!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Local Project Sales, International Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:
Career Discussions:

The Merits of Car Ownership In Real Estate, AND, Getting Started!

Hi,I just passed MAY RES exam and thinking to start as part-time agent first.I am 30 years old.Currently holding a full time job.Just want to know is that compulsory for agent to own a car? What should I do next to get start?

Posted by Mr. Pan YJ - 2014-06-21 23:03:36 - Viewed 85 times

Hello Mr Pan,

Thank you for your query as above.

Yes it does help, owning a personal car in the business allows you to access real estate marketing segments like serving tenants and serving buyers who are looking at multiple locations.  Having said that, there are ways to work around not owning a car.  Namely to focus and specialize on marketing segments that simply do not require you to own a car.  These segments would include:
A) Serving landlords
B) Serving sellers
C) GTA Homebase approach

These 3 market segments within the Real Estate world would not require you to own a car nor to drive.  Just good time management.


There are again 2 things here:-

Firstly, CEA course and exams deal with the legal aspects of real estate and NOT the money making, sales and marketing aspects.  Thus during this time when you were attending CEA Class, you should have been actively pursuing practitioner and apprenticeships in Real Estate.

Secondly, the CRITICAL part here is to select a mentor who is able and committed to train you.  The business is very much like the martial arts world.  Find a good teacher, and you will fight well.  Randomly pick one, and you leave your fate to sheer luck.  The joining up parts are very standard and all in, it would take you about 4 weeks to get your CEA license approval.

Hope the above sheds some light into your coming journey!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:
Career Discussions:

Saturday, 21 June 2014

CLMD Training - Follow The HOT Money.. 2014 is a Goldmine, IF you look in the right places..

Dear Team Leaders,

For your dissemination..

CLMD Training - Follow The HOT Money.. 2014 is a Goldmine, If you look in the right places..

2014 has been a TURBULENT & DEFINING year for the Real Estate Business.

Why Turbulent?
- The traditional approach to the business does not work in today's market due to the drop in new launch sales and resale volumes.

Why Defining?
- 2014 will define the premier agents from the mediocre ones.  The agents who learn fast and adapt will survive and prosper, the mediocre ones will leave the industry, and the strong will inherit the earth.

It is widely reported that sales related transactions are down approximately 70% on a year on year average for local sales.  HOWEVER, given the high employment rates, the STILL low interest rates, there IS STILL PENT UP BUYING DEMAND, the only question is, WHERE shall this demand be channeled to?

This week, CLMD Projects phase 2 (2014) training kicks off to look at:

1.  Projects updates

2.  Projects selection and marketing strategies

3.  How to convert the buyer with ABSD, TDSR issues

4.  For buyers looking for a good buy... "If you could go back in time to 1965, Singapore, to buy ANY property, WOULD you?" - An insight into Huttons International - OVERSEAS Properties

Date:  Tuesday 24th June 2014
Venue: Huttons Office, #05-01
Time: 2-4pm
Trainer: Mervin Tang

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Sunday, 15 June 2014

2014 Moving Forward, The NEXT BIG INVESTOR's Market!!

Summary Minutes From Huttons Asia Pte Ltd : Leader's Quarterly Meeting Q2 2014:

Dear All,

Key Intention For Huttons International Projects:
With the ABSD and namely TDSR of 2013/2014, the buying volume for Singapore Properties has dropped significantly. 

HOWEVER,  there is no change to the buying capacity or investment intention of the potential buyers.

THUS international projects are an avenue for these buyers as the quantums AND loan approvals are precisely what these buyers can take.
EVEN foreign buyers.

1. Stopped immigration
2. Rising vacancy rates leading to lower yields
5. High quantum buy in

1. Rising immigration rates
2. Very low vacancy rates
3. Low/no entry tax
4. LOCAL banks give up to 70% financing
5. LOW quantum buy in

-International Projects is a key aspect our product portfolio that as RES we CANNOT afford to overlook.

Huttons International has now:
1. A very robust and sales gallery mechanisms,
2. Technical and legal knowledge, 
3. Including FOC tagging for associates to bring in the buyers.
4. All projects centrally located in the same location (sales gallery).

THUS THIS IS A NEW CHAPTER for us all to look into. 

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Beautiful Bay & Seaview! Bright and Windy, 1001sqft 2 Bedroom At Kallang Riverside

 KALLANG RIVERSIDE for Rent. 2BR, 1001sf. High floor, balcony, open sea view, no west sun, efficient layout. Excellent condition. Fully furn...