Sunday, 22 March 2015

Getting The Results You Want, So That You Can Spend Time On The Things That Matter

I am considering to become a full-time property agent. Due to family commitments, I may not be running for sales aggressively. Are top agencies results-driven, therefore prefer to recruit only like-minded agents? I am considering Propnex, DTZ, Huttons. What are their focus sectors? What are the differences between DTZ and Huttons? Thanks.

Posted by Anonymous - 2015-03-22 01:01:05 - Viewed 77 times

Answers (5)

Mervin Tang
Posted 2015-03-22 23:21:24


Good evening and glad to hear that you are considering a business path in the Real Estate Business.

Personally, I came into the Real Estate Business and Huttons Asia Pte Ltd has been mu one and only agency, I have learnt and grown and built my business here and have not looked beyond this agency to build my business elsewhere.

I will answer your question in the following parts:

On Being Results Driven And Still Being Family Orientated.
- ALL agencies are results driven, what I would also say here is that Huttons works very much like a family. The peer support and team work within the teams is very high. We cheer each other's successes, and encourage each other when the deal does not go through. We are not driven by hard sales targets, but the friendly comradrie of colleagues working together.
- My team has a special segment. I call them the "Tai Tai"s. As lead trainer in my Division, I created a special module for them caller "High Tea Closing". Which really means to close deals over high tea. That said, my Tai Tai team leader averages $100,000 or more a year, she drives a swanky car, drives her kids to and from work, supervises the maid and the children over homework, goes night cycling all over the island, and still performs miracles!!

On Huttons Asia Pte Ltd vs "The Rest"
The difference will not be apparent to the casual observer. The key to understand this is simple, compare the various agencies over time and the differences become clear.

-FIRSTLY, Huttons was a nobody in the real estate world 10 years ago. Today, we are number 3 and growing.
-SECONDLY, Huttons is the market leader in Project Sales, commercial AND residential island wide.

Why is this so?

The answer lies in the work culture. We are effective, and highly trained, such that Huttons agents produce results. Once, I was a GL leading a team in a project that was jointly marketed with another agency. 
One of my noobs asked, "Its so scary, dosen't this mean it will be very competitive?"

My reply was this, "Give me ANY other agency anyday to compete against, just not another Huttons team."

For that project, we outsold the competitors 8:1.

What benefit is this you may ask, well, the answer is simple, being highly effective in deriving results allows you to spend more time on things that matter, vs always being at work. In my case, its taking my kids out on excursion..

What's yours?

I trust this gives you a better insight into your path ahead.

PS. Did I also mention that developer project sales commissions are easily double that of private owners? ;)

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales, International Projects
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:
Career Discussions:
North East Line GTA:

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Prospective Agent's Necessary Considerations To Joining The Industry

Hi, how long does it take, on average, for a new agent to close deals? how many deals to close to generate a min income of $12k per mth? how does an agent decide which sector (eg HDB, condo, landed, commercial) to focus on? Given the slow mkt, is it advisable to join the industry now? Thanks.

Posted by Anonymous - 2015-03-13 12:38:11 - Viewed 89 times

Answers (5)

Mervin Tang
Posted 2015-03-19 00:40:51

Hello Prospective Agent,

On your question above, there are many important aspects for your consideration. I will answer your question in 4 parts:

1. How long does it take to close your first deal?

For time to closing of your first deal, some do so really fast, and some never. In my case, I closed my first deal in 3 days of joining the industry. It was a chance mix of sheer luck and tenacity that secured that first deal for myself.

What you need to pay attention to are the commission payout timelines. For Local Project sales, the minimum timeline is between 3-6 months, International Projects pay out longer. As such new joiners need to pay attention to having sufficient savings and cash flow to tide over this period of time. My team newbie holds the Division record for fastest and biggest cases closed. $90k in 3 weeks working together with me in the context of a team based effort.

2. Choosing the sector to focus on

Yes, focus is necessary to build skills competence, however, today's market is such that your clients choose your focus area, not you.

A top sales person said, "I sell what the buyers want to buy, not what I want to sell."

Thus the easiest place to start is to start in the place where you have existing leads or are most familiar with. Therein building up your market share in the context of your business. Within this concept, also have a back yard focus that I call the GTA aspect of real estate. Everything that is in close proximity to your home should be a base area for you to work in. HDB, Private, Commercial and landed are all fair game.

3. How many deals to generate $12k a month

This question can be answered in many many ways. My approach is different. Real Estate should be seen as a business, and not a job. A job in this case meaning that you actively do your work and get paid for it. A business is one that generates its business daily.

I would suggest a different benchmark. I advocate a level of training and dedication from my associates that overtime, each of their clients will be worth $12k as a minimum benchmark from them. In this sense, the business and income is lifelong where you are now their advisor/consultant, and not purely a transactor. This is far more profitable and sustainable that looking to close 1 time deals.

The second perspective to this part of the question is simpler. Huttons Asia Pte Ltd is the market leader in project sales. In the current market situation, developers pay the highest commissions that private sellers or landlords simply cannot match.

4. Is it a good time to join the industry now?

In my opinion, now is the best time to join. 2014 and 2015 see the erosion of the sacred "exclusive agreement". In today's market, cases previously managed by close friends, relatives etc are all opened up. No blood relation can save you if the agent does not have the skills or competencies to move the units.

A case in point, all our top earners for 2014 ALL experienced an increase in income. It will be the same for 2015.

Hope this breakdown gives you a better insight into what you are looking for.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales, International Projects
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:
Career Discussions:
North East Line GTA:

Monday, 16 March 2015

The Difference In Success and Mediocrity Lies In The ATTITUDE That You Bring To The Business!!

Hello there, i am looking to do a career switch from a banker to real estate. Have some friends in real estate and they advise me to keep my options open when joining a real estate agency. I am looking for one that provides good training, team work and a good working environment, would need a couple of experienced opinions in this forum. appreciate it.

Posted by Anonymous - 2015-03-12 11:59:50 - Viewed 59 times

Answers (5)

Mervin Tang 
Posted 2015-03-17 02:43:01


Firstly, GOOD ON you for having the courage to take the plunge in moving from the banking industry to the real estate industry.

Yes your friends are right, but only partly so.

1. Why rightly so?

Different agencies for the most part are very much like the banks as well. Some banks are more competitive and results driven, and some are somewhat more "relaxed". Of course the ones that are more competitive and likewise, more rewarding. This is also true in the real estate business.

If you are looking at project sales, the easiest gauge is to look at the agency that leads the market, or any project in which there is joint marketing.

2. Why no?
Sometimes when a potential new entrant comes into the industry, he/she places far too much emphasis on the environment, the agency, the team, the training etc, to determine their choice, and in that, their chances of success.

As the lead trainer in my Division in Huttons Asia Pte Ltd, I have noticed an interesting statistic. Real Estate Salespersons who speak with 3 or fewer recruiting managers over the course of a year in their start out, flourish and do extremely well. New entrants who speak with 3 or more team leaders fail in their first year with 80% certainty.

Prior to starting my business in real estate, I was involved in performance coaching and what these 80% of new agents have as a common thread is that they place the weight and responsibility of their success on who, and where they join.

The successful agents on the other hand, simply make a choice, stick with it, and literally "JUST DO IT". The guts and the gung ho attitude that you bring with you make 80% of your path to success. Everything else is a paltry 20%.

Do keep this important aspect in mind during your search, I hope this guides you closer to the path to success!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales, International Projects
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:
Career Discussions:
North East Line GTA:

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Singapore Property Focus, Forecasts For 2015

Dear All,

It is the time of the year again to gaze into the property crystal ball and make predictions for how the market will unfold in 2015.

Back in 2014, I had made a similar estimate into the future and on hindsight have been proven correct.  For 2015, let’s peer into the crystal ball and see what it holds.

This study should be made in conjunction with social and macro-economic perspectives.  2014 was highlighted by low transaction volumes whereby sellers and buyers were locked in a stand-off of where property prices should move.  The start of 2015, on hindsight proved the trend that prices declined over 2014 and that the government has maintained its desire to see another single digit price drop.  

This is the first year it has occurred on a sustained basis as since the first series of cooling measures were rolled out in 2010, they never had the effect of bringing prices down until 2014.
What then for 2015?

We shall look at this from a demand and supply perspective.

A. Supply Surge
At the later end of 2014 and moving into 2017, many project launches will start to TOP having been launched during the “good times” prior to the 2013 cooling measures.  This will result in a supply surge of vacant units coming onto the market.  Furthermore, the looming supply issue needs to be seen in the context of another phenomenon that is characteristic of launches that take place post 2010. 

Experimental Launches
From 2010, there have been a series of “experimental launches” in the market.  Experimental in a sense that they are untried and unproven concepts that look great on paper in 2010-2013, but now face the litmus test of being tenanted in the current market. 

Residential Units
By now we are familiar with the term, “mickey mouse flat”, but have you heard of “micro mickey mouse”?  A series of them will be appearing in the market soon, namely 600ish square foot sizes for 3 bedroom units in the suburban areas.  Or, investment style studios and 1 bedroom units far from any commercial centre.

The sales pitch is that these sizes are common in developed cities like Hong Kong.  That works, if you are in Hong Kong since all the sizes are the same.  However if you are the only Hong Kong sized apartment in Singapore, it would not bode well as the tenant / buyer has plenty of selection available.
Any prospective demand for this will be answered over the course of this year.

Commercial, Industrial & Office Units
The post 2010 era has been characterised by developers launching a series of strata titled office and commercial units.  These, are highly experimental given their launch price in relation to expected rental yields.  In short, they were sold based on the private individual’s ability to secure loans.

The draw back for strata titled properties that these will always lose out to managed malls and offices.  This kicks off a vicious cycle that the inability to control the tenant mix would often lead to the mall having a hodge podge character which does not assist to drive good human traffic into the mall.  For offices, this makes it a challenge for the building to achieve a grade A status since there is no ability to control the tenant mix, nor to attract the blue chip brand names to set up shop.

The biggest concern for these upcoming projects when they TOP, are the sizes.  They would be challenged to find suitable tenants.  Most CBD office spaces are very large.  The grade A office towers typically offer spaces 3000sqft and above.  Hence for small new launches, it would be impossible to command top dollar similar to these grade A spaces.

There has been much hype about the upcoming office buildings coming online and the higher supply situation expected this year. 

Strata industrial units will face much of the same issue.  They were a number of these launches post 2010.  They will be completing at about the same time and would be awaiting tenants.  What the sales brochures fail to say is that the tenant wait could be as long as 6 months.  Business formations do not occur as fast as a private individual coming into Singapore to work, thus leading to the long vacancy period.

This is a chicken and egg situation that is tied to the residential situation that is closely tied to the incoming resident population.

B. Stagnant Demand
The years 2009 to 2013 were marked with a very high rate of immigrant driven population growth.  The euphoria of the rising rental yields and property prices heralded a period of price rises that has seen property prices double during this period.

The assumption then was that the growth would continue, and hence keep pace with the building frenzy that has boosted supply.  That has proved false.  The sudden drop in incoming immigration numbers has occurred primarily for political reasons, stemming from “overcrowding”. 

The question is then what does the overcrowding entail?

1.    Infrastructure, water, electricity & gas, transport, healthcare
Water, electricity & gas
Our water and electricity/gas infrastructure systems have been constantly updated with the building of new Newater and desalination plants. 

Transport & Healthcare
However our transport systems are ancient and have of late made a habit of constantly breaking down.  To put it into perspective, our East-West and North-South lines were built at a time when we carried pagers to school.  That technology drives our trains.  The rush hour congestion without breakdowns is considered to be child-free zones.  Meaning that no parent would risk transporting young children during these times.

Healthcare system wise, the hospitals are expanding capacity to increase the available beds.  The challenge is that we as a country cannot train enough health care workers given the same amount of time it takes to build a hospital.

2.   Goods and Services
In a nutshell, Singapore is now the priciest country for expatriates in the world.  Translated into layman English, it means we are the most expensive place to live in now.

Given the above limitations, it would be challenging to see further immigration to further expand the population given the above challenges.  This spill over effect will be most pronounced in the services industry that face challenges hiring service staff. 

Conclusion : Outcome and Opportunities

Buyers – The 2014 market was characterised by sellers looking to upgrade and hence disposing the current property.  2015 will have the addition of investor owned properties whose properties have become dilapidated or simply vacant for a long period of time.  Or, properties that are no longer financially viable.  This will be endemic in the D9,10,11 areas and in Sentosa.

2015 is firesale year, however do stay away from failed experimental launches.

Tenants – Residential and office tenants will have a great selection and pricing negotiation power.  F&B, retail tenants MUST factor location above all else.

Sellers & Landlords – Good advice and capable brokers will move your units.  Gone are the days that a part time relative could help you keep your investment property rented out with minimum vacant times.  It does not work like that anymore.

New Agents – 2015 will be very much the same as 2014. Just slightly easier as transaction volumes pick up given that sellers now have to accept a more reasonable pricing.  The opportunity is such that the market condition now shatters previous exclusive agent-owner relationships given the inability to keep up with the increased demands.
In short, the strong get stronger, the weak leave the industry.

Thus as such, 2015 will be a year of renewal, losses will be made, there will be good buys to snap up.  New entrants to the business will find many opportunities to grow and succeed.

Good luck to all!

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales, International Projects
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Annual TOP Producer 2014 - YES WE DID IT AGAIN!!

Dear Clients, Friends and Cobroker Agents,
 Thank you for your support and trust, we have done it again!!

Keys Success Ingredients For Individuals To Work Towards

Good day all Gurus, Thinking of changing line to be a property agent but is it guaranteed can earn a living like said I passed the exam and 'fight' to survive. Any old or 'lao jiao' agent here can share if you all have encounter any agents that failed to survive in this industry? I think it's good too list down the factors why a agents will fail and further discuss this so as to help newbie like me understand, and be mentally prepared. Also, can help newbie not to create a topic asking for a same thing over and over again. Thanks!

Posted by Anonymous - 2015-03-05 00:56:16 - Viewed 49 times

Answers (3)

Mervin Tang
Posted 2015-03-06 00:10:46


Thank you for your query. Many prospective new associates have asked about the necessary ingredients but you are probably the only one that I have encountered that has asked about the necessary ingredients to AVOID, that could lead to failure in this industry.

I have extensive training and field leading experience of new associates in my Division in Huttons Asia Pte Ltd. During this time I have come to notice a pattern in the similarities of BOTH the successful and unsuccessful agents.

In my training, I emphasize one single formula to success:

Success = YOU X Training X Resources

In this case, assuming equal training & resources, the 33% that decides your failure and success is simply, "YOU".

Now, to specifically reference your question, there is a common trait to the new associates who fail.

1. "I will need a lot of hand holding".
The real estate industry is often confused as a job/career. It is not. It is dynamic and highly fluid. No two deals are ever the same, and will always require a bold and quick thinking individual to seize the opportunity to close the deal. It is NOT for individuals who lack initiative and self discipline to move forward on their own.

Individuals who need a day-to-day assistance to plan their daily activities fall into this category as well. The outcome of this are such that these individuals need constant supervision and guidance on their everyday activities, else they simply languish at home.

2. Pride
The business is people centric and as such, it is always about people, FOR people at the end of the day. As such a fair degree of professionalism is necessary to avoid letting pride get in the way of a negotiation and blocking a deal.

3. The lack of "hunger"
For all associates, I have a single rule:

"Every moment you find yourself free, find some marketing activities to do."

In showflats or on team marketing activities, instead of concerning themselves with the next prospect or the next client, these associates worry themselves over what to have for breakfast, what to have for lunch thereafter as their first priority on stepping into the showflat.
The top performers conversely spend the morning making appointments for the rest of the day before concerning themselves with their stomaches.

4. Evolution
The 2014 - 2015 real estate market is highly evolution based. Meaning, the strong get stronger, the weak do not survive. The market is such that it is changing very rapidly. Marketing techniques from 2010 - 2011 will no longer work in the current market.
Associates must be constantly willing to adapt and not to remain stagnant. To constantly upgrade and to learn new skills and abilities. That is the key.

5. Discipline
To answer your calls in 3 rings, to start your day at a fixed time, to be at your appointments and viewings on time, everytime. To MAKE your appointments each and every time. This is a vital aspect of professionalism.

6. Initiative to take action
Action, is what closes the deal.
Action, is what makes the money.
Will you ever be 100% prepared to take action? No. Will taking action necessarily result in success? No, and yet, action MUST be taken. There is no model answer, the answer lies in your flexibility to adapt.

In one way or another, what holds back individuals from succeeding is always they themselves. The above 5 points are negative values that hold us back as individuals in all aspects of our lives and not just in real estate.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales, International Projects
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:
Career Discussions:

The Risks Of Selling Below Market Rate Commissions

Hi. I planning to sell 4room HDB . Very High Floor. Any agent willing to sell at 0.5% commission can pm me. I will contact you very shortly.

Posted by Mr. Ong Lee - 2015-02-26 16:41:49 - Viewed 76 times

Answers (8)

Mervin Tang
Posted 2015-03-05 23:13:59

Hello Mr Ong Lee,

I hear your plan to sell your 4 room HDB. Though it is a high floor unit, your flat will still be subject to market forces. The current market forces are such that HDB resale prices have been steadily falling over the last year.

Transaction volumes are also notoriously low, as such, many sellers are unsuccessful in selling of their units.

Do notice that none of the agents who have replied to your query has accepted the offer of 0.5%?

In today's market, sellers and landlords alike are competing for buyers and tenants. Reducing the payment way below the market rate is a sure fire way to UNSUCCESSFULLY sell your flat.


The current market is such that it will take 3-6 months to successfully sell a HDB flat. Hence any agent you engage will be in a loss position by the time you reach month 3-4 of the sale process. Anything longer and the agent will have to abandon your case and cut losses, therein you will have to start the process all over again.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales, International Projects
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:
Career Discussions:
North East Line GTA:

Beautiful Bay & Seaview! Bright and Windy, 1001sqft 2 Bedroom At Kallang Riverside

 KALLANG RIVERSIDE for Rent. 2BR, 1001sf. High floor, balcony, open sea view, no west sun, efficient layout. Excellent condition. Fully furn...