Sunday, 26 August 2012

For Selection of an Real Estate Salesperson, just note that some get the job done, and some do not

is price for new condo fixed by developer and commission payable by buyer is the same to all agent. that means it does not really matter which agent i gave exclusive right for prebooking

Posted by query - Aug 26, 2012 - Viewed 58 times

Posted Aug 27, 2012
Hello Query,

Thank you for your query on the sales procedure for developer sales (New Launch Projects).

Firstly, you are right. All sales commissions with the exception of HDB are bourne by the developer, hence there are no fees payable by yourself.

HOWEVER, not all sales agents are paid the same from their agencies, or cobroke agents.

In the case of giving the agent an exclusive right for pre-booking, it would really depend on what your objective is.

To "give the right for pre-booking"? Or to secure the unit of your choice.

In Project Sales, there are only 2 kinds of agent. The one that gets the unit, and the one that does not.

For example, at our most recent launch at One Dusun Residences, 300 buyers placed cheques for 154 Residential Units. Another 300 Cheques were placed for 76 Commercial Units. All in, ONLY 154 Resi and 76 Comm buyers got their units. The rest, did not.

See my link below for the ODR launch:

Agents who pay attention to:
1. Cheque placement patterns
2. Buyer sentiment
3. Quick reaction to changes in sales procedure
4. Familiarity to sales procedures during preview
Will be more likely to succeed in securing the unit of the buyer's choice.

Hence in this case, to give the exclusive right to any agent makes 1 CRITICAL ASSUMPTION:

"All agents are the same, and they can get the job done."

Unfortunately for 200+ buyers at the ODR launch, they have learnt that that is not the case.

Hope this gives you a better insight into your agent selection in future!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Leadership via INSPIRATION vs MOTIVATION, On Being a Buyer vs Seller vs PROJECTS Agent

I would like to join a real estate company that can register me as a licensed agent. Q1: In short, is there any company that do not expect quota yearly? Q2: My bf had a vast network of people that potentially buyer of condos and private estate. if there is an opportunity I can rep the buyer friend to close the transaction. assume that the selling price is $2M. What will be commission that I can entitle?

Posted by Queenie - Aug 21, 2012 - Viewed 152 times

Hello Queenie,

Good job on taking a step toward this exciting new business venture!

Let me address your query in 2 parts.

Firstly: On Sales Quota

No agency has a sales quota. That is set by the individual teams. In all sales environments, all sales teams are given "targets" and then agency leaders do RaRa shows and motivate and motivate their sales agents to reach the desired numbers. However it is not pointed to, sales quotas/targets always exist in a sales environment.

On this, let me propose a safe guard AND an alternative.

A) In this case, "the safeguard",

We all have heard the story of how the pursuit of $$ for $$'s sake corrupts, then the wildly successful agent thereafter spirals down thereafter.

In this case, in our team - CLMD Division in Huttons Asia Pte Ltd, we have a common practice of keeping in mind,

"What is this all for?",
"What is the end game that we want to see ourselves get to?"

These act like a ship's compass in a storm. Many a time we will sail through choopy seas and stormy winds, but always we will know our true path, and not get lost.

This is the root of all INSPIRATION.

B) The alternative: "We have no target"
For us, the leader's main job is to remind our associates to take a break. The difference between INSPIRATION and MOTIVATION?

Simple.. Motivation is about pushing and pushing. Once you stop, they stop running.

What then is Inspiration? It is about finding the one true thing that is close to the heart that one will fight their way through fire to achieve, and then set them on their path.

On the second part of your question, the answer is not so straight forward.

In this, you have asked about serving buyers to make purchases.

In this case, the commission is not so straight forward. For HDB, the market practice is for 1% for buyer agents. For resale transactions, buyer agents typically get 0.5-1% at the very best. This is because you will be sharing the commissions with the seller's agents.

The exception to this is to close deals directly with developers in project launches.

For Huttons Projects, one of the criteria for our directors in selecting projects is for a healthy commission.

For example, a recent project that sold out yesterday, the gross commission was 1.3%. Currently our other ongoing projects are averaging 2%.

The HIGHEST being 9%!!

Thus as a buyer agent, your commission is definately better in a projects environment as compared to anything in the resale environment.

Hope the above gives an alternative insight into your original query.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd - Project Launches and HDB Resale/Lease GTA

Hi, I have just passed my RES exam. I would like to know is there any agency that allow newbies to involve in new project launch and also involve in hdb sales/rental? For the agencies training,what will be the duration? Thank you

Posted by Z K - Aug 22, 2012 - Viewed 108 times

Hello ZK,

Thank you for your interest in Projects whilst at the same time managing HDB Sales and Rentals. In this aspect, many companies do Projects.

That said, there are a few market leaders in this domain. A "Project" is like a big EXCLUSIVE agreement. No doubt that some projects are handled by joint marketing, most projects are typically done by a single marketing. These projects are awarded by developers based on the marketing agencies reputation on consistently being able to deliver results.

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd is one of the very very very few agencies that can lay claim to a track record for selling out whole projects in less than 24 hours.

For example:
Yesterday was the preview of One Dusun (Average $1400psf) on Balestier Road (D12), a mixed development of 154 Residential Units and 76 Commercial Units was launched, and FULLY SOLD OUT in 24 hours.

The best part of this was, for every unit that was sold, there were 3 other ready buyers who were disappointed for failing in the BALLOT. For commercial buyers, for every successful buyer, there were 5 unsuccessful buyers.

Yes, Huttons does sell million dollar properties by BALLOTING. HOW many agencies can lay claim to that?

We had a live classroom session in the packed preview showflat to initiate our new associates on the closing procedures for which makes a successful closing.

See the full details on the launch @

On your second question on agency training, your question needs to be more precise, the reason being, different teams within different agencies have different cultures.

For example, In Huttons Asia Pte Ltd, our team, CLMD rotates the training duties between the 4 specialist team leaders in the following domains of:

A) New Launch Projects
B) Private Resale/Leasing
C) HDB Resale/Leasing
D) Industrial/Commercial

ALL associates in our division cycle through all 4 domains. Each cycle takes 10-12 weeks to complete. Thereafter, the 4 team leaders rewrite the entire training program, and the cycle repeats. Hence, new associates with us can expect FULL YEAR training all year round.

Further on that, is a new team esprit de corp whereby our associates freely swing buyers/cobroke agents back and forth between showflats to assist each other in closing, and providing the latest information from Showflats.

This system can only work in a culture of openness and sharing. Something our associates are realising greatly assists their chances of closing and success.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Friday, 24 August 2012


Welcome to the Preview of One Dusun Residences!!

12pm, Showflat open to buyers
1230pm, Price Release for Residential Units
1330pm, Cheque Cut Off for Residential Units
1345pm, Balloting Begins...

1600hrs.. 95% Sold Out.

95% of the WHOLE Development is SOLD OUT, not 95% of Phase 1, or Phase 2, but for the entire project!!

Read on and enjoy the story.

As part of the training and work culture in CLMD, Huttons Asia Pte Ltd, we strongly believe in team cohesion and support in the marketing and closing of projects. 

At One Dusun Preview today, CLMD's new associates were treated to a live commentary on the procedures and processes on Huttons Project Sales by their lead trainer. 

It was a emotional roller coaster that blew many of the "un-initiated" away.

Learning objectives covered how to:

1.  Managing buyer expectations prior and during preview sequence
2.  Paying attention to cheque submission patterns
3.  Re-engineering the sales sequence to better position future products
4.  Strategies and critical events to take note of during preview sequence
5.  Meeting buyer expectations to secure their unit
6.  Riding the emotional roller coaster and surviving the Huttons Preview!!!
7.  Post preview follow up

Further on this, we have built a support system whereby there will always be a friendly face in the showflat for you to turn to when in need for assistance with an unfamiliar case/project.

Hence, in CLMD, we will never operate alone in this aspect, always with support, always with back up, always with reinforcements.

For the buyers, 150 residential and 76 commercial buyers went home happy having secured their units with the assistance of their agents.  An equal number went home having lost the ballot.  In a project that secured 300++ cheques for Residential units alone, one can see the quality of the product, and the expertise of the agents that one will not find in many other places.

Crowd in Showflat after 30 min of Opening of Doors

Carpark full before showflat opening time

Crowd waiting to get into the door

More crowd photos..

Waiting for cheque cut-off..

The legendary Huttons Asia Pte Ltd balloting process..

You will be hard pressed to find another company that can make this happen!!

Oh Yes.. Did I mention that the whole process repeated itself again at night for the preview of the Commercial Properties?
All in, 226 Units sold in 1 day.  Time to move on to the NEXT project!

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Project Training: Adhoc Preview Training 24th August, One Dusun Preview - CLOSING THE DEAL

Dear Team Leaders,

For your dissemination:

RE:  Project Training - Adhoc Preview Training 24th August, One Dusun Preview

Dear CLMD Associates,

Huttons Preview is a sight to see for the un-initiated. 

Understanding the mechanics of how a Preview works will best allow you to assist your buyer in closing the units of their choice.  Thus far in Project training for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2, we have covered mostly presentation perspectives on the projects, on the preview day, we will reverse engineer the entire sales process, therein customising the presentation sequence according to how we expect the end game to unfold.

Failure to understand the process, and being unable to cope with the stress of course will result in a burst deal.

I will be giving an orientation and commentry of the entire sales process for the One Dusun preview this Friday, 24/08, during which we will also discuss strategies to work around to best increase your odds of getting a successful sale.

Secondarily, my role will be in support the Division's associates who have cheques in, and are fighting to secure the units for their buyers!!

To associates who are fighting for the ballot:  Good Luck!! We are with you.

Venue:  One Dusun Showflat @ Shan Road
Attire:  Show Flat Best
Time:  Party Starts @ 1030am, 24/08
To be Prepared for:  Lots of Sun, Standing for Long Hours, Thirst and Hunger, Heart Thumping Excitement

Welcome to a Huttons Preview!
Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Thursday, 16 August 2012



ONE DUSUN RESIDENCES is a single 29 Storey Tower of 154 Residential Units, and 76 Commercial Units
ONE DUSUN is located at 1 Jalan Dusun
ONE DUSUN will TOP in late 2017

VVIP Preview date is 24th August 2012, $10,000 furniture voucher applies on preview ONLY

Residential 2 Bedroom From $6xxK Up
Commercial From $6xxK to $1.4mil

Submit Full Documents NOW!!


One Dusun Residence boasts 154 residential units in a single 29 storey tower.  All apartments are located from the 7th floor onwards while the infinity pool, facilities deck and activity pavilions sit on the 7th floor.

This luxury residence opens up to 7 penthouse units occupying both the 28th and 29th levels, offering views of the Orchard Road skyline and the lush greenery of the Chancery Hill vicinity.


One Dusun Residences is within close proximity to Singapore’s premier medical hub at Novena and nearby medical facilities.  There are 4 hospitals, 2 specialist centers, 2 medical research and education institutions within walking distance of One Dusun Residences.

One Dusun Residences will benefit from the success of the Novena medical microsm.  Potential homeowners who work in the Novena medical hub will be attracted by One Dusun Residences close proximity to their place of work.  Potential investors will be drawn by the strong rental demand for accommodation from the professionals, managers, and staff working in this healthcare, research, medical tourism, and hospitality hub.


Perfect for the urbanite, SOHO (Small office/Home office) style living is about reinventing the boundaries of traditional spaces and opening up residents to a whole new lifestyle. 

Every One Dusun Residences apartment will come with a high ceiling, enabling residents to optimize horizontal and vertical spaces.  Loft living will enable residents to make use of vertical “void” spaces to sleep, rest and relax, while leaving the horizontal floor space for work and play.
SOHO residents will further save on travel cost and avoid escalating rental cost.


On a lazy Sunday morning, dive into the cool waters of the swimming pool or bask in the rays of the sun deck on the 7th floor.  Access to this infinity pool and surround yourself with the panoramic views before you.  For those who prefer quiet exercise or meditation in the early morning, you can perform your yoga exercises on the wellness platform.

In addition, 3 lifestyle pavilions await you.  A BBQ pavilion, a private dining pavilion, an entertainment/living and games pavilion await you.  You can relish the intimacy of private dining with close friends at the private dining pavilion or hang out with your buddies at the entertainment pavilion on a Friday night.

A cosy playground offers endless fun for the young ones.  Play with your kids and build lasting memories of joy and excitement with them.



Directly facing Balestier Road, its visibility makes it a prominent landmark in this up and coming locality.

With 76 retail shop spaces, it is ideal for beauty and wellness centres, clinics, food and beverage outlets, and other lifestyle retail stores.

Potential investors will be drawn by the strong rental demand for retail space in this location.  Business owners who want to control the shops they operate will want to invest in this unique location and avoid escalating rental costs.

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 

Sales Enquiry:

Project Training: Building a Real Estate Business via Recruitment & Selling from Floor Plans

Dear Team Leaders,
For your dissemination;
Project Training: Building a Real Estate Business via Recruitment & Selling Floor Plans
Dear All,
A quick recap on 14th August:  "Last session of Survivor Series"
Previously, on our last session....
1.  We covered essentials on grooming pertaining to showflat attire turn out from hair styles, choice of cutting for shirts and pants for the guys and girls.  Following on this, making personal turn-out part and parcel of the "ritual" of achieving a focused and success driven mindset by the time you step into your place of work, be it the unit for sale/lease, or the showflat.
2.  Updates on the real estate market, on projects, and from there building our own individual and collective strategy approach to our business.
3.  GTA Study, a variant of which we did this as a tele-sales platform through repeated 5 minute drills over the phone to fellow participants in the classroom.
Next week:
1.  Showflat attire is now the standard dress code for all class participants, respective course leaders will give feedback to the attendees on their turn-out.
2.  In Huttons, RECRUITMENT CAN BEGIN THE MOMENT YOU ARE A REGISTERED SALESPERSON WITH US.  I will be sharing about the Division assets and structures that will better assist any of the associates to making this happen, to assist everyone in building their residual income streams with this platform.
3.  Selling floor plans.  This is one of the key components in any project presentation.  To get this right is to open the avenue to the next question, "Sir/Mdm, I trust that you have your cheque book....?"  This day we find out how we make that happen!
Transition from Projects Training to Private Resale/Leasing
Cycle 1&2 is completing their work with me on Classroom Project Training. 
Firstly, watch this space for adhoc training sessions out in the field, and for invitations to join select project core teams.
Secondly, as a directive for all new associates to be equiped with a comprehensive understanding and all-rounded skills set in the Real Estate Industry, the next phase of Private Resale/Leasing will begin on 28th August with Specialist Trainer KL Koo.  In this domain, KL is the authority with all aspects pertaining to the Private Resale/Leasing domain.
With that, the baton has been passed!!
Venue: Huttons Office, #05-01
Time: 2-5pm
Dress Code: Showflat Attire
To Bring:  Lastest Brochure/Sales Kit that you are presenting with
Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Confidence as a Function of Speed and Repitition - Velocity Drills Embedded into CMA/GTA Training..

On Drills and Segmentation..

As part of understanding training methodology, a big segment lies in the concept of folding time.  Meaning to do more in any given time.  The way this is done is via "exercising" the mind.

Like any muscle in the body, so too is the mind, finding the right exercises to perform, it gets stronger, faster, and capable of much higher processing powers. 

Within CLMD, these exercises are embedded into our training methodology, at the same time, practicing and enhancing our project sales presentations.

Class is always going well when the course leader finds himself without a seat.

The introduction of this technology can only be done via the direct experience of it.  Simply put, it is not a class where one can sit through and take notes, but through "doing it", does the lesson reveal its true value.

That said, the product of 3 runs of the Project Training Survivor Series has resulted in stronger minds, fluency, and confidence in their subject matter.

In this case, mastery of their locational GTA(Geographic Target Area) for all project launches in the locations of:

1.  Shenton Way (D01 & 02)
2.  Serangoon (D19)
3.  Geylang (D14)
4.  Ubi Industrial Area (D14)
5.  Pasir Ris (D18)

Property is about location, location and location. 

The first of these two must be understood and explained in a GTA/CMA (Comparative Market Analysis).  This is a study that can prove or disprove the potential of any given location or site. 

The process by which the CMA is done is where the learning for the sales agent is, only that way can one successfully walk the buyer through the thought proccesses necessary to understand the prospective property. 

The devil is always in the details, as such, so needs a CMA to be.  Hence combining the:

A) History of locational site
B) The level of development in current time
C) The future of what the site will become

We arrive at the potential of what the location will ultimately will be.

On 7th August, we completed series 3 of the survivor series, where participants went through a 3 week long training program to reach the level where they are now today. 

Next week, is polishing work.

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Finding The Right Mentor, Is Both a Function of Luck and Timing...

Home > Questions & Answers > Question Details

Just a few questions to ask: 1) Why is there constant recruitment needed? Is the market lack of agents? 2) A mentor has so many downlines, is it still possible to for them coach rookies when they join? some indicated as many as 1000 agents under him. 3) Every career seminar seems to draw a very prospective path. However, when rookies join and paid all the necessary fees, they were either neglected, lost or helpless. why is this so?

Posted by Bebe - Aug 4, 2012 -Viewed 96 times

Hello Bebe,

Thank you for your question into joining the real estate industry, for starters, I would look at your question from 2 angles, firstly, the many avenues of choice available, and the odds of success of all of them.

For your first question on agencies that "keep recruiting"

1. The answer to this is two-fold;

Firstly, yes you can say that there is a shortage of agents. Given that our country has grown rapidly over the last few years, the volume of both residential and commercial transactions have greatly increased, hence it allows for many opportunities for agencies to expand their sales force.
Secondly, the industry is very lucrative from a rewards perspective, both as being your own business owner, and the financial rewards too.
Hence, you will find many people attracted to career seminars featuring real estate as a possible path.

2. Any person can have only 24 hours in a day, as such, there is only so much time that can be spent in personal grooming of their junior associates. For groups that have grown very large, the only way for the same quality of training and leadership to be transmitted is to have more sub-managers/leaders.

Unfortunately, if you are going to be assigned, you will almost have no idea who you will be posted to. There is a "sweet spot", whereby the manager heads a team that is relatively "young", whereby THESE ARE the leaders who POSSESS both the time and ability necessary to groom successful agents.

However, the trick is to identify these "upcoming" leaders, as the ones who head large and mature teams will not have the time for personal leadership.

3. The entry path that best assures an agents success should be a personal one, and not in a massed environment that preys on herd mentality. There are groups in the market that "sell" courses and make their money from the joining fee that new entrants pay, and not from the actual over-riding that the junior associates make, so this will probably answer your question into why some new associates are left on their own, and are "lost" after they pay their agency fees.

Finding the best fit path for yourself takes both luck and a good gut feel. I wish you the best in your choice on which path you eventually find yourself on.

Hope these give you a better insight into the answers that you seek.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang

Marketing Manager

Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales

CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Survivor Series Session 3 of 3 - Project GTA Building, And Exchange of Information

Dear Team Leaders,

For your dissemination,

Dear Associates,

RE:  Project Training - Performance Coaching: "Survivor Series 3 of 3" - CLOSED DOOR SESSION ONLY for Attendees of 31st July

Congratulations to the participants for successfully completing session 2 of the Survivor Series training workshops, we are now into the final stretch of the class with the coming session 3.  As such, this coming session on 7th August is STRICTLY a closed door session for participants of the 31st Sept session. 

All other classes thereafter will be open to all CLMD associates again.
A quick recap from last session, we had drilled:

1.  The emotive selling aspects of project sales from deriving the key aspect of the emotional pitch, to creating the experience for the buyer in an off-site senario. 
2.  Sales presentation organisation

Following that, the class was formed into 4 teams, each with a geographic responsibility to create a GTA study for all projects in the given locations:

1.  Shenton Way
2.  Serangoon/Geylang
3.  Ubi
4.  Pasir Ris

Lesson Instructions for Teams/Team Leaders;

1.  Prepare Handouts and Copies of price lists of the projects in your GTA for the full class (30) expected

2.  Team leaders to present to the class first, objective is to "create a compelling reason to buy...." - presentation should last 10 min, use what ever props necessary for a CLASS SIZED presentation

3.  All team members to be well versed in their own GTA pitch, that will be your drill - presentation should last 10 min, use whatever props necessary for a 1-to-1 presentation

4.  Quality of presentation: 
The objective is for the materials to be exchanged with your fellow course-mates, hence prepare a quality that is what you yourself would expect to recieve. 

Hence, "Everyone fights.  On that basis or not at all."
5.  Training sequence:
Stage 1.  Team leader presentation (Screening phase)
Team leader presentation is an assessment of overall "quality", should the material generated not be up to an acceptable standard, the whole group will be EXCLUDED from stage 2, and will not be entitled to the exchanging of material, whole team will not progress to stage 2.

Stage 2.  Individual drill (Knowledge exchange)
The strength of the individual presentation and the impact that it leaves on the recipient will decide if that individual will collect the next "set" of material from the outside set of 3.  Any individual "failure" will constitute a group failure.

Hence, "No one quits, No one gets left behind"
Session Date:  7th August
Time:  2-5pm
Venue:  Huttons Office, room number will be sent to your team leaders
To Do:  Come Prepared

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Saturday, 4 August 2012

★NEW LAUNCH★ Sea Esta – A Dream Home by the Sea: GTA SERIES: Pasir Ris

★NEW LAUNCH★ Sea Esta – A Dream Home by the Sea


Sea Esta is a Condominium Status Development comprising of 376 Units in 4 Blocks, 2 with 13 stories, and 2 with 12, with a land size of 185,939sqft.

The tenure of the land is 99 years.

Units comprise of 1, 2, 3, 4 Bedroom, Dual Key, and Penthouse units

Sea Esta is walking distance to BOTH the Paris Ris MRT Stations, and the Pasir Ris beach.

New Release for 3 Bedroom Units, Dual Key, and Penthouse Units

Prices range from:

3 Bedroom units from $8xxK
3 Bedroom Dual Key units from $1.07mil
4 Bedroom Pent house from $1.45mil

Please call for 15+3+3+2 VVIP, Stamp Duty, Vicinity and Early Bird Discounts NOW!!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Thursday, 2 August 2012

★★NEW LAUNCH GTA SERIES: D19 Serangoon:- Bliss @ Kovan★★

Exclusive Penthouse Units with Private Roof Gardens

NEW!!! ★ Bliss @ Kovan

360m to Kovan MRT Station
140 Exclusive Freehold Units

No Restriction on Foreign Ownership
1/2/3 Bedroom Typical Units, and 2/3 Bedroom Penthouse Units with Roof Terraces
Expected TOP 2015

New Release of Choice Units
Penthouse Starting from $1.6XXm

3.85m Typical floor to floor height

Spa and other Recreational Facilities
Nearby to well known schools, eateries and shopping amenities

Developer:  BBR Kovan Pte Ltd
Architect:  LOOK Architects

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Beautiful Bay & Seaview! Bright and Windy, 1001sqft 2 Bedroom At Kallang Riverside

 KALLANG RIVERSIDE for Rent. 2BR, 1001sf. High floor, balcony, open sea view, no west sun, efficient layout. Excellent condition. Fully furn...