Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Project Training: Adhoc Preview Training 24th August, One Dusun Preview - CLOSING THE DEAL

Dear Team Leaders,

For your dissemination:

RE:  Project Training - Adhoc Preview Training 24th August, One Dusun Preview

Dear CLMD Associates,

Huttons Preview is a sight to see for the un-initiated. 

Understanding the mechanics of how a Preview works will best allow you to assist your buyer in closing the units of their choice.  Thus far in Project training for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2, we have covered mostly presentation perspectives on the projects, on the preview day, we will reverse engineer the entire sales process, therein customising the presentation sequence according to how we expect the end game to unfold.

Failure to understand the process, and being unable to cope with the stress of course will result in a burst deal.

I will be giving an orientation and commentry of the entire sales process for the One Dusun preview this Friday, 24/08, during which we will also discuss strategies to work around to best increase your odds of getting a successful sale.

Secondarily, my role will be in support the Division's associates who have cheques in, and are fighting to secure the units for their buyers!!

To associates who are fighting for the ballot:  Good Luck!! We are with you.

Venue:  One Dusun Showflat @ Shan Road
Attire:  Show Flat Best
Time:  Party Starts @ 1030am, 24/08
To be Prepared for:  Lots of Sun, Standing for Long Hours, Thirst and Hunger, Heart Thumping Excitement

Welcome to a Huttons Preview!
Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:


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