Friday, 19 April 2013

CLMD Tuesday Weekly Projects Training Sequence Part 5: NEGOTIATION!!

Dear Team Leaders,

RE: CLMD Tuesday Weekly Projects Training Sequence Part 5:- GTA: NEGOTIATION!!

The critical element in any deal closing is the negotiation process.

We have thus far covered:
A) GTA / Projects Selection
B) Listing / Advertising / Marketing
C) Viewings and Presentations

This day:  

D) The ART of the closing..

Some have made reference to the Negotiation being an "ART".  I propose that it is 25% ART, 75% SCIENCE.

Learn to use all available aspects to maximize your closing rates!


Date:  23/04/13
Venue:  Huttons Office #05-02
Time:  2-4pm
To Come With:  Come prepared to discuss possible senarios

Please kindly RSVP with Stephanie @91130106/ immediately!

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Monday, 15 April 2013

Team Based Approach to Real Estate: Updates 15th April


As teams grow and evolve, the TEAM takes its flavor by accident and design both.

In this aspect, we are building something revolutionary in the Real Estate Business.

In terms of more clearly defining the team culture, things are starting to get clearer for me in terms of the direction of which this defining culture is headed towards.

At present, it is evolving nicely as planned.  The design of the TEAM culture started as a peer learning, and peer support system.  It started with the pioneer generation, and then became a melting pot for newly assimilated Newbies.  As these Newbies came in, they have benefitted from the collective wisdom and experiences that the pioneer batch built up and are subsequently sharing with the New Newbies.

Rolling into the future, some of you are already moving along the path to becoming TEAM leaders.  WhatAps can now accommodate 50 people, meaning, successive batches of Newbies can leverage on this TEAM culture and ride the wave.  These new Newbies will come from you.

Hence, to borrow a proverbial term, “You reap what you sow..”

Build a reputation for yourself as a TEAM player ready to share information and learning, even stepping in to rescue a drowning Noob.  The same will be paid forward to your Newbies in future.

Hence, I coined the term, “Noobs are EVERYONE’s responsibility..”

We take care of OUR own.

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Sunday, 14 April 2013

CLMD Projects Training Sequence Part 4:- GTA: Subsale, Rentals and Resale

Dear Team Leaders, 

CLMD Projects Training Sequence Part 4:-
GTA:  Subsale, Rentals and Resale

Building from last week's session on identifying and selection of GTA locations, this week, we will pick up where we left off.

Presently many of last week's class attendees are in the midst of setting up their own TOP/Resale/Rentals GTA.  

This week we will test the robustness of the attendees plans, prior to full fledged execution.

This Week's Agenda:

1.  Forming Teams? OR going it Solo?  What are the agreements to have in place?

2.  Building your SalesKit/CMA. (Yes, you still need to have a SalesKit for resale)

3.  Finding the Landlord/Seller. (You will not be the only Agent they are meeting, how do you ACE that interview?)

4.  GTA is an endurance exercise, build your presence and reputation there over time, it gets easier and easier.

5.  Establishing a steady stream of buyers and tenants.

6.  Managing Viewings & Closings


"Negotiating the Deal"


Date:  16/04/13
Venue:  Huttons Office #05-01
Time:  2-4pm
To Come With:  Questions pertaining to the above, we will do case studies based on ground feedback.  Come with detailed plans for discussion!

Those who have not register, please kindly RSVP with Stephanie @91130106/ immediately!

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Friday, 12 April 2013

Potential New Associate Decision Matrix

Hi, i am waiting for my RES exam and i am currently looking for an agency and a good mentor. May i have an idea of the joining cost of the different agencies (training cost,admin fee,etc) ?

Posted by calla - Apr 11, 2013 - Viewed 47 times

Answers (6)

Mervin Tang
Posted Apr 13, 2013
Hello Calla,

At this stage in answering potential new associate queries on "How to best make a decision on which agency to join, I shall en devour to build a formula to aid the decision making process.

Firstly, on your question about the costs involved to join. Across all agencies, the costs would be broadly be the same, however, beneath that question is also the underlying assumption that ALL agencies and ALL mentors are the same, hence, costing being the differentiating factor in agency selection.

On a scale of 100%:

This proportion is heavily weighed towards having a good and available mentor.

TEAM: 29.5%
Some teams provide very constructive, peer support systems designed to leverage and build up new associates. My team has a simple responsibility.

It sounds like this,"All Noobs are the collective responsibility of the team". Simply to say, one day, the Noob will be a team leader as well, therein, all New Noobs of that new Senior can leverage and reap the rewards on the Senior's reputation. Thus, everyone grows together.

AGENCY: 29.5%
Not all Agencies are built/grow equally. For the large agencies, they are broadly broken down into 2 types, those with PROJECT SALES, and those that do not.
Simply put, if you were to do ONLY Resale, then all agencies are the same. In the Projects Sales Arena, Huttons Asia Pte Ltd is a big player. We recently outsold out competing marketing agency at Alexandra Central by 8:1 units.

1% Says it all. Suffice that I will also put forward a word of caution. There are agency leaders who masquerade as Mentors who derive their MAIN BUSINESS REVENUE from selling training courses, and not via the over-riding from a successful down-line. Thus be wary of these.

Thus based on the above weights given to the above criteria, I hope it adds clarity to your decision.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

New Joiners : To Pick Between Commercial and Residential Segments as an Area of Focus

I have passed my res exam and currently working in the hotel sales. Looking for a good mentor to guide me before I make a decision to join permanent. Which segment should I start with - residential or commercial?

Posted by CC - Apr 12, 2013 - Viewed 45 times

Answers (7)

Mervin Tang
Posted Apr 13, 2013
Hello CC,

There are broadly 4 domains in the Real Estate World..


1. New Launch Projects
2. Private Resale/Rentals
3. HDB Resale/Rentals
4. Commercial/Industrial

The choice for Residential or Commercial should not factor so much into your decision at the moment. Residential properties have always been the favorite starting point for new associates coming into the business, however, of all the 4 segments, the only segment that still has got no Government imposed Cooling Measures is the Commercial/Industrial segment yet, hence, it is also the segment of the greatest opportunity given the hot money inflows into the area.

For our CLMD Division, my portfolio as Lead Trainer is to oversee the "BMT", Basic Military Equivalent of the Real Estate World. In all, this is a 13-16 week long training cycle that puts our new associates through all the different real estate segments to equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in this industry.

Currently, there latest design fashion for developers is to build mixed use developments of COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL properties in the same development. Thus, having skills and exposure to both will effectively allow you to sell both proficiently.

At this stage, it would be unwise to pick an area of focus so soon. 
Opportunities are the key. 
Meaning, if a good opportunity to broker a commercial/industrial or residential unit came along, the only way to seize and recognize such an opportunity lies in having the skills and knowledge to execute the deal. Thus, for new associates building a strong foundation is necessary. Thereafter, pick a specialization.

The second and equally important factor is in allowing for exploitation of good opportunities. For example, the current cooling measures have impacted the private and HDB resale markets, but the rentals and commercial sectors are doing well.

To borrow another military term, "To fight down the path of least resistance".

This is where having exposure to everything allows you to quickly seize opportunities when others are blocked and stuck.

Good luck with your choice!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Systems Building & Direct Marketing Skills Sets : On Building Systems and Acquiring Skillsets

Hi! How long does it take CEA to approve your licence after registered with an agency? What is the usual practice for res during dat time frame? Thanks!

Posted by mr curious - Apr 10, 2013 - Viewed 122 times

Answers (5)

Mervin Tang
Posted Apr 13, 2013

Thank you for your question as above.

The first part of your question is simple:

CEA typically takes 3-6 weeks to approve your license once you have registered with a Real Estate Agency.

The second part of your question is somewhat more complex.

For this 3-6 weeks duration, RES in my team have a very packed schedule to work towards. It stems primarily towards their personal business development.

Business Development meaning handling the dual aspects of being a soon-to-be RES.
1. Systems building
2. Direct marketing


As defined above are the "One-time-effort, constant returns" platforms that seek to achieve a constant stream of leads coming into your phone. These consist a mix of social media and online advertising platforms that are time intensive at the onset, but are worth 100 times when measured against their potential return.


These are the marketing mechanisms that are used after the Systems based tools kick in within the first 24 hours of taking on a listing. Thereafter, all time should be channeled to direct marketing, for example, Viewings, Road Shows, Telemarketing Etc.

Once these channels that you will potentially be using, the next stage is to learn the necessary skills sets that you would require for you to "Hit the Ground Running". That way, you will find that closing your first deal within your first 1-3 months is a very real possibility. Rather than idling your time away and trying to kick start everything only when your license is ready.

Most of the associates within my team begin their platform building and skills acquisition BEFORE they sign up for their RES course, that way, they will have a solid 12-13 weeks of systems and sales related training before they get their license. In your case, you would have to cover what they usually they do in 3-6 weeks.

The end result for any Mentor is always the same: "For Noobs to begin closing their first deals ASAP", this is best achieved through intensive training and supervision over the business building phase of the transition into Full Time Real Estate Sales. 

It is a tough and steep learning curve, but one that has proven track record!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Sunday, 7 April 2013

The Midtown Commercial : HOTTEST LAUNCH IN D19 For April 2013, DEVELOPER SALES ON NOW!!

The Midtown Commercial : Cover Page
 ♦NEW LAUNCH IN D19!!! ♦ VVIP Preview Soon!! ♦

-         3 min Walk to Hougang MRT and BUS INTERCHANGE

Midtown Residences is a Mixed Development comprising of:
-  160 Residential Units of 1+S, 2, 3 and Penthouse Units
-  107 Commercial Units, 55 F&B Units, 51 Shops, 1 Supermarket

The Midtown / Midtown Residences is surrounded by a mature residential estate which brings a healthy 24/7 human traffic flow, given the similarities that it shares with nearby Kovan, the Midtown Residences / The Midtown will potentially share similarities to Heart Land Mall.

♦ Large Nearby “Reserve Sites” also give significant upside potential for future development in the Hougang area, hereby giving large opportunities for price increases in the mid-long term future.

-         TOP expected mid-2017
-         Estimated Price Guide:
Shops : $4600-$6XXXpsf
F&B   : $5000-$6000psf
Residential : $1500-$1600psf


Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 

The Midtown Commercial/ Midtown Residences

The Midtown Commercial : 1st Storey Layout Plan
The Midtown Commercial : 2nd Storey Layout Plan

The Midtown Commercial : Basement Level Layout Plan

The Midtown Commercial : Specifications

The Midtown & Midtown Residences, THE NEXT BIG THING IN APRIL 2013 : Preview Soon!! Developer Sales @ 9184 0208

Midtown Residences / The Midtown Cover Page

♦NEW LAUNCH IN D19!!! ♦ VVIP Preview Soon!! ♦

-         3 min Walk to Hougang MRT and BUS INTERCHANGE

Midtown Residences is a Mixed Development comprising of:
-  160 Residential Units of 1+S, 2, 3 and Penthouse Units
-  107 Commercial Units, 55 F&B Units, 51 Shops, 1 Supermarket

The Midtown / Midtown Residences is surrounded by a mature residential estate which brings a healthy 24/7 human traffic flow, given the similarities that it shares with nearby Kovan, the Midtown Residences / The Midtown will potentially share similarities to Heart Land Mall.

♦ Large Nearby “Reserve Sites” also give significant upside potential for future development in the Hougang area, hereby giving large opportunities for price increases in the mid-long term future.

-         TOP expected mid-2017
-         Estimated Price Guide:
Shops : $4600-$6XXXpsf
F&B   : $5000-$6000psf
Residential : $1500-$1600psf


Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 

Sales Enquiry:

The Midtown / Midtown Residences Site Location
The Midtown / Midtown Residences Location Map

The Midtown / Midtown Residences Night Time View

The Midtown / Midtown Residences Site Plan

The Midtown / Midtown Residences Pool View
The Midtown / Midtown Residences Interior View

The Midtown Residences - Apartments

Midtown Residences - 1+S, 442sqft

Midtown Residences - 2 Bedroom 635sqft

Midtown Residences - 3 Bedroom 689sqft

Midtown Residences 3 Bedroom PENTHOUSE, 1292sqft

Midtown Residences 4+1 Bedroom PENTHOUSE, 1356sqft

Midtown Residences : Specifications Page 1 of 2

Midtown Residences : Specifications Page 2 of 2

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Building a Sound Financing Plan BEFORE You Start Your Business..

I am keen to switch career as RES. What is the estimated bugdet to set aside for all expenses in printing flyers, advertisement and etc for the first 3 months upon receiving RES license?

Posted by Matrix - Apr 4, 2013 - Viewed 113 times

Answers (7)

Mervin Tang
Posted Apr 6, 2013
Hi Matrix, 

Thank you for your question on approximating the costing.
As part of your transition to become a RES, there are 2 elements that you need to look closely at,

Fundamentally they are broken down into 2 parts:
A) Your Business Plan
B) Your Financing Plan

Bear in mind that the above 2 plans are one and the same, and failing to take into full consideration the above is a sure recipe for disaster. Given that ALL New Associates coming in the industry have a limited "Shelf Life", it is vital that much consideration be given to the above.

The question you have posed in the above are in direct relation to the FINANCING PLAN in "B". However you have lacked to clearly define your Business Plan. 

For example, are you looking to start in Resale? Rentals? Project Launches? All the above have their own marketing approaches, and corresponding costing involved. Furthermore, the assumed 3 month time frame that you have stated assumes you close deals immediately upon receiving your license. 

This is not the industry norm. Most new associates do not close anything for up to 6 months. However, if you join the right mentor, ride on the right team culture and working environment, thus far I have yet to have an associate not close anything by the time they have reached month 6.

Lastly, the FINANCING PLAN needs to include all your personal expenses, and then, taken as a function against your total savings to determine your "Shelf-Life". Your mentor-to-be needs to be acutely aware of your "shelf-life". Failing which, the outcome would very much be in question even before you take your first step.

I hope the above adds some clarity to your question. The above are vital steps in planning your career, any shortcuts here would seriously jeopardize your prospects of success. 

Planned well, your first step as a RES will be the start to a rewarding and fruitful career!

Good Luck!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

New Associates Starting in Project Launches, and the Expected Commission Range

Which agency allows new agents to participate in new launches? What are the mkt practice for commission of new launches? Thanks!

Posted by Mr Curious - Apr 2, 2013 - Viewed 252 times

Hello Mr Curious,

Thank you for your question on the above.

Let me break the question down and address them in their component parts.

Project Sales is a common start point for many seeking to start a career in the Real Estate industry.  The reason for this is that new associates coming into established project launch companies have on hand a full catalogue of ready listings for them to market and present to buyers.

This coupled with the fact that developers are ready and reliable paymasters, and as long as the pricing is met, the deal is sealed.  This is contrary to the resale market whereby sellers can change their minds on the closing price, or withdraw from the sale totally.

This however does not mean that Project Launches are a walk in the park.  In this case, the opposite is true, the resale industry is an easier to "sell" environment relative to Project Sales.  For example, in the resale environment, the unit on the market has 4 walls, the buyers can see, touch and feel the product they are going to sell.

In a Project Launch sale, AT BEST, the buyer has a showflat to see, a Project Model, and a whole dose of imagination.  Such a sales environment requires a whole extended skills set that is absent in the resale environment.  Suffice to say the following, a PROJECT SALES TOP PRODUCER will be able to smoothly transit into a resale environment, however, many TOP PRODUCERS IN RESALE have come into Project Launches and failed.

The key for New Associates that works best is to seek out a team environment where there is firstly peer support, peer learning, and direct team leadership on the field.  Without which the Project Launch environment is a fierce and hostile environment.

Almost all agencies all new associate participation in a launch environment.  However, not many have the logistics set up, and the open sharing culture to maximize the new associates potential.

On commissions, the commissions paid by developers are highly competitive, and in direct relation to the ease of which the product sells.

A broad range on the commission would be between 0.4% (The easiest to sell), all the way to even 8%(The type you sell once a year, and take a 11mth holiday).  These are commission levels that you will almost never find in the resale market.

Thus and therefore, as a new associate, my recommendation is always to go for volume to quickly build up your experience and confidence, have a few high paying commission projects up your sleeve as a bonus.

Hope the above sheds some light into your queries.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

Thursday, 4 April 2013

CLMD - Projects Training Sequence Part 3: ADHOC CLASS: After Project Launch.. Subsale, TOP, Rentals, Resale..

Dear Team Leaders, 

For your dissemination:

CLMD Projects Training Sequence Part 3:  
ADHOC CLASS After Project Launch Phase, Subsales, TOP, Rentals and Resale

HUTTONS ASIA PTE LTD has come very far in a very short period of time, and in that short a time period, become a dominant force in the world of Project Sales.

These couple of years will see many ex-Huttons Launches (RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL) starting to TOP.  Which opens numerous opportunities for MORE income to be made!!

1.  Subsales
2.  TOP Sales and Rentals
3.  Rentals
4.  Resale

For each of the above phases, we will discuss more on MARKETING and LISTING acquisition techniques to be applied, with the end objective of building a STABLE and RECURRING source of income!

Having a clear perspective on the future opportunities that lie after the launch phase will give a better perspective into selling at the launch phase at well.


Date:  09/04/13
Venue:  Huttons Office #05-02
Time:  2-4pm
To Come With:  Questions pertaining to the above

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

Beautiful Bay & Seaview! Bright and Windy, 1001sqft 2 Bedroom At Kallang Riverside

 KALLANG RIVERSIDE for Rent. 2BR, 1001sf. High floor, balcony, open sea view, no west sun, efficient layout. Excellent condition. Fully furn...