Friday, 12 April 2013

New Joiners : To Pick Between Commercial and Residential Segments as an Area of Focus

I have passed my res exam and currently working in the hotel sales. Looking for a good mentor to guide me before I make a decision to join permanent. Which segment should I start with - residential or commercial?

Posted by CC - Apr 12, 2013 - Viewed 45 times

Answers (7)

Mervin Tang
Posted Apr 13, 2013
Hello CC,

There are broadly 4 domains in the Real Estate World..


1. New Launch Projects
2. Private Resale/Rentals
3. HDB Resale/Rentals
4. Commercial/Industrial

The choice for Residential or Commercial should not factor so much into your decision at the moment. Residential properties have always been the favorite starting point for new associates coming into the business, however, of all the 4 segments, the only segment that still has got no Government imposed Cooling Measures is the Commercial/Industrial segment yet, hence, it is also the segment of the greatest opportunity given the hot money inflows into the area.

For our CLMD Division, my portfolio as Lead Trainer is to oversee the "BMT", Basic Military Equivalent of the Real Estate World. In all, this is a 13-16 week long training cycle that puts our new associates through all the different real estate segments to equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in this industry.

Currently, there latest design fashion for developers is to build mixed use developments of COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL properties in the same development. Thus, having skills and exposure to both will effectively allow you to sell both proficiently.

At this stage, it would be unwise to pick an area of focus so soon. 
Opportunities are the key. 
Meaning, if a good opportunity to broker a commercial/industrial or residential unit came along, the only way to seize and recognize such an opportunity lies in having the skills and knowledge to execute the deal. Thus, for new associates building a strong foundation is necessary. Thereafter, pick a specialization.

The second and equally important factor is in allowing for exploitation of good opportunities. For example, the current cooling measures have impacted the private and HDB resale markets, but the rentals and commercial sectors are doing well.

To borrow another military term, "To fight down the path of least resistance".

This is where having exposure to everything allows you to quickly seize opportunities when others are blocked and stuck.

Good luck with your choice!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

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