Friday, 24 May 2013

The Art Of High Performance Lies In The Mind..

Peak Performance Levels, its either Gear 1, or Gear 5, and/or nothing else in-between.


From a performance perspective, there are broadly only 2 types of people.  There are the many that are stuck in Gear 1, and the few that thrive and flourish when you push them to the limit.

In my observations so far on the team, it is an interesting phenomenon that is best explained, therein it allows the individual to best tailor a work plan to optimise their performance.

The First Type.. Those that are stuck in Gear 1.

These are essentially the ones that are frozen in Gear 1, or, fill their lives with self-fulfilling prophecies of failure.  Aka, repeatedly setting themselves up to fail such that they can remain in the “starting mode”.  In the Real Estate world, you will find many that have been in the industry for extended periods of time, and yet are still stuck in this mode.

Let me propose a possible explanation.  In a world of opposites, I will propose this hypothesis, and then show that if the OPPOSITE were to be true, then, so must the former.

For Type 1, the key element of it lies in them “Fearing their own power”. There are 2 types to this:

1.      The Fear of Failure.
This is a mode of paralysis driven by fear, whereby one simply GIVES UP and makes no attempt, fearing a FAILED outcome, and then allows them to accept NO outcome. 

2.      Fearing that once the benchmark has been set, they have expectations to live up to, again and again, and again.

Any given reasons however well crafted, will have their essence based in the above 2.

For Type 2, these are people that run at Gear 5, ALWAYS.  Why?  Because these are people that have tasted a measure of their own power and capabilities.  More importantly, these are virtues that they have come to accept.  And in their worlds, travelling at any speed lesser than that, is time wasted.

There are many angles to explain this unusual phenomenon:

A)     Energy:
Somehow, these people do not seem to get tired.  The human energy position is a DYNAMO, it is common misconception that a human is a BATTERY whereby resting serves to charge it up.  The converse is true.  When pushed to the limit day after day after day, humans are capable of generating immense volumes and depths of energy, many a-time in the face of extreme adversity, and they somehow overcome.

B)     Living a Full Life:
The Folly of Youth is to Live Like Immortals”.  The fact is, we all have a limited time on this world, and there will come a time where our impact on this world will be measured, not by anyone else, but mostly, by ourselves.  How we see ourselves and what we have achieved.

Fulfilment and Living A Full Life are one and the same.

It feels something like this, “Are you waking up to do, WHAT YOU WERE MEANT TO DO?”, or is there a sadness that you feel in your heart every morning that you wake up?  For the lack of a better term, I will call this your “Conscience”, reminding you that you have so much more to do and to achieve, in this short time that we have.

C)     Rising to the Challenge, fighting a worthy fight
Rising to the Challenge/Occasion”, what do these really mean? 

Human nature is such that repetitive tasks though necessary, are mundane and boring, thus, it is the natural state to be in search of adventure and excitement. 

A question was posed to the first man who climbed Mt Everest, “Why did you climb it?”, to which the reply was, “It was there..

Hence, the question that I would pose to you the reader would sound something like this,

Do you go to sleep, exhausted and content? And jump out of bed to take on life’s daily challenge?”  

If the answer is “no”, then, it would only mean that you are not fighting a fight worthy of fighting.  The converse to a fulfilled life is also true, but in place of “contentment”, in its place, a “sadness” accompanies each and every waking morning.  

Do note that “contentment” is a state of aspiration, meaning something to work towards, and not something to sell yourself short and be content about!

For the reader that understands A, B and C, good job, you are on the right path in life for where-ever you may be to the likely 4 end destinations all our lives converge towards.  This is the reason why some people who have tasted Gear 5, flourish and are at their peak best when back in that state. 
Simply because we were ALL meant to be up there.

Now, I leave you with a choice:

A)     To strive and work towards Gear 5 and the world of peak performance

B)     To settle for less and sell yourself short.  However know this, in order to make a CHOICE, there must first be options.  It is like saying that you choose not to own a Ferrari, because it is too low and cannot go over humps etc, but the main essence of it is a lack of funds to buy one.  Thus, there are no options, there is no choice.  HENCE, in order to choose how you would like to live you life truly, you must first attain Gear 5, AND THEN, you may choose and have a clear conscience.

Good Luck!

Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208 
Sales Enquiry:

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