Training Directive, Broad Summary
As part of our Division’s growth, 4 key aspects have been involved.
1. Leadership
2. A Culture of Sharing and Teamwork
3. Strong Focus on Training
4. Building the Conglomerate
1. Leadership
A crucial cornerstone building block in all organisations, Leadership within our Division is about creating certainty in an environment of uncertainty.
Of which, there are 5 important attributes:
Certainty and Commitment, the leaders within the division are all congruent with a long term vision together to jointly build up the Division for the long haul, and we are committed to build, and create something of our own, there are no shortcuts.
Determination and Drive, to lead, to encourage, to be always pushing the very limits of what is achievable, to believe and inspire what a reasonable person deems impossible and achieve results in the face of adversity.
Innovation and Creativity, to constantly drive evolution within the organisation, to be on the forefront on skills and technology be an innovation leader within the industry with the long term perspective for building both skills and values in our associates.
Harmony, setting aside, resolving differences to always keep the end game in mind.
Responsibility, our associates are sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, to which, we are all responsible for.
2. A Culture of Sharing and Teamwork
All organisations however mechanised and systemized they are, are always driven by flesh and blood. People count more than anything in the success of any business, and in our Division, we recognise the key factor that having a strong culture is the gel that bonds the organisation together.
Culture is the tone that the organisation leaders set for the Division.
For an organisation to grow, “Newbies are EVERYONE’s responsibility”.
We are building a team based on Sharing, and Teamwork where new associates will be guided and trained but not just their mentors, but also their peers and team mates.
For the team leaders, this allows them to leverage on their own areas of expertise, this saves considerable time in training new associates, and generates a large pool of trained and driven associates for team level activities.
“Every lesson will be given freely if you are willing to learn, the only requirement, is that you pass it on when your turn comes”.
Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
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Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
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