Negotiation is a means to an ends, and never an ends in itself.
It is always begins with an outcome in mind, and ALL negotiations.must strive towards that outcome.
Negotiations work like diplomacy, they always entail two halves to an equation which MUST always coexist.
The Carrot vs The Stick
Both are necessary in equal measure, they cannot exist without the other.
Example, in the context of nations and empires throughout history, peace is always achieved at gun point.
Countries with the same number of guns achieve peace. Coutries with no guns, get conquered. Hence, freedom and peace are ALWAYS won through the threat of force.
In a negotiation environment, determine what your carrots and sticks are. Then use them as necessary to achieve the outcome.
I had a breakthrough today, each of us come with our own strengths and weaknesses, and correspondingly, there are negotiation archetypes each of us may use.
For example, David Wong and Jacqueline are "Paladin"s. They cannot lie, always tell the truth, and fiercely protect what is right from wrong. These inspire trust in their clients.
There are also the "Mage". This negotiates from wide knowledge and expertise. The advise from these is second to none, and clients come to them for their advice.
There are the "enchantresses". A smile from them and they could escape with murder. Enough said.
There are the "thieves". They are efficient in getting the necessary done. You might question their methods, but not the outcome.
There are the "rangers". They are given a task and are independent and efficient problem solvers.
At the higher levels, there us the "hero/queen" piece. Throw them into however crappy a situation. And they save the day through inspiration and force of will.
Then there are the "pawns". They move one step at a time. Often in a straight line. Often the front line and gets into a shoving match when they hit the wall.
Still, we all start here. And in every chess game, the king piece guides and nurtures the pawns to their full potential. At the end of their journey. They become Queens/Hero pieces.
Which are you now? And where shall your journey take you?
That adventure is for you to choose.
Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
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