Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The Merits of FOCUS

"Hi, I’m an existing part-time salesperson for 2yrs. Will be moving on to Full time status in a few days time.I felt my manager has too many associates and I did not get much attention from him. I am looking for a manager whom i can work together with in close connection. If you are willing to train me intensively and guide me along the way on a personal level, I believe I can achieve my fullest potential. I am motivated and will really appreciate if any experienced manager is willing to give me a kick start in Private properties and Commercial, I will definitely work my way up to benefit both sides for a win-win situation. Currently I am doing HDB unit/room rental and resale. ThankU.

Posted by Invest Property -Dec 29, 2011 -Viewed 131 times"

Hello Invest Property,

Thank you for your question about the prospect for moving full time into real estate.

Let me break down your concerns into the following:

1.       Your current mentor has so far been not giving you enough attention as he/she might be having too many associates.

2.      You are looking for a mentor who can train you intensively and guide you along the way on a personal level whereby you can achieve your fullest potential.

3.      Private and commercial properties are your next avenue of focus

4.      You are currently doing HDB unit/room rental and sales

There is a common thread that I would like to draw your attention to in this aspect that I find is a common aspect even for my own associates.


It is a concept that many people speak about but few understand.  Focusing as a concept means to do what you are already doing, refining your technique at doing it to such a degree until you achieve the status of a master craftsman.  Real Estate is very much a trade that each salesperson creates his/her own technique and approach over time until they get very good at it. 

In our business that is achieved by making plenty of money at what you already know, and/or by being very good at it!

In your case you have spent 2 years in the trade as a part-timer building up the knowledge and expertise for what I call a “career bridge”, whereby you transition jobs/career with minimal impact to your income due to loss of time in the learning process.  However, to switch totally from HDB to Private/Commercial are very drastic moves as the technical knowledge for the two are very different from your current field of HDB.

From a student point of view, you will be looking for a mentor who can point you the path to success.  How you find this mentor will be in itself a feat of luck.  For the reason that what you see and hear and ultimately expect, might not be what you take on in the end.  However, the ability to achieve success will always be in your hands regardless of your environment, hence, achieving that success will be entirely up to you to make that a reality!

I wish you all the best in your coming adventure!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang

Marketing Manager

CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg

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