Wednesday, 25 January 2012

When Having a Mid-Life Crisis, Make a Career Switch!

I was wondering if anyone could give me some sincere and constructive advice. I am 36 this year, worked 12 years and in various MNCs. Middle management role drawing low end of 5 figure monthly salary, in Finance Dept. Have family and obviously commitments. I have great interest in property market and was wondering if I should make a career switch. This is somewhat like a mid life crisis decision here. Have felt quite bored working for bosses. My concerns are volatile in terms of income and I am not sure if I will be better off (income wise) working as an agent. As mentioned with family commitments, I need to be able to provide for them. Surely most will say depend on my diligence, attitude and even luck. But really hoping to hear from the Gurus here especially those who made similar switch as what I am intending. I am sure there are plenty of such cases. Thank you in advance.

Posted by Potential agent - Jan 24, 2012 - Viewed 161 times

Hi Potential Agent,

I hear you, and I get where you are coming from. It is like gazing across a raging river and wondering how the world is like on the other side.

I get that although you are comfortable where you are now in terms of work and family, but are getting bored of the trappings of being an employee and working for a boss.

At the same time there is a big worry about income volatility at the prospect of the career switch, with no assurance of a stable income.

All your concerns are valid. At the point that you are at, you will definately be caught between the rewards of the industry, and the fears of giving up what you presently have. In this case, the rewards have to be earned.

A lot has been said in this thread so far, but allow me to offer you a concept of building your business around your lifestyle. All careers that are build around being an employess almost always come with fixed working hours. In this industry, you are given the opportunity to build your work, around what matters most to you. Of course, the rewards that come with success are immense. You can have that, AND plenty of time to spend and be around your family.

What is also missing for you are PLANNED timelines, and necessary resources to build that around. For example, timelines about when you can expect to close your first deal, when you can master the whole industry, how much savings should you set aside, what marketing approach will you be using? Capital vs Low-Cost marketing? How much will all this cost? etc etc etc.

All these need to be planned for before you make the switch. A good plan lays the foundation for success. Failure to plan in this case, is a good plan to fail when you do make the switch.

Having the commitments that you have might not necessarily be a burden. Instead, I see it as your advantage. For myself, my circumstances were such that I make it and succeed in the shortest time possible, or die. That is an extremely powerful motivator and will force you to succeed despite the obstacles.

Last but not least, you will not be the first who has had to make this daring leap of faith. Many many before you have, and made it. At the same time, many have not made it either.

A critical difference between the two outcomes in that in all the successful cases, there has been a source of knowledge, inspiration, support, and guidance. A good teacher.

Find yourself a good teacher who can light your path ahead, and you will land on your feet after taking that big leap!

Good hunting, and have a great adventure in your life to come.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang

Marketing Manager

CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

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