Sunday, 9 December 2012

MASTERING FEAR, and Letting Go of the Illusion of Security

Hi all. I took the RES November examinations and just gotten my results. Lucky for me I managed to get a pass thus clearing the first obstacle. Currently I hold a full time day job as an engineer and is looking at real estate as my part time job. Do have friends in the line but I'm looking at starting fresh and open to all. However I am looking for a good mentor who is willing to teach and guide me. Please contact me ASAP. Thank you

Posted by Anonymous - Dec 5, 2012 - Viewed 108 times

Mervin Tang
Posted Dec 9, 2012

Thank you for your question on how you should proceed from here.

At first glance, it seems to be a simple and natural question of starting in real estate on a part time basis and balance it with a full time job.

At second glance, there is much more than meets the eye that I would like to address and discuss given its pertinence to my young team as well.

Firstly, in coming into the industry firstly as a "Part-Time" agent usually is accompanied by 2 other sub intentions:
A) "To try out to see if the industry is right for me.."
and followed by
B) "Just in case this does not work out for me, I have my job to fall back on"

Underlying these 2 said or unsaid intentions will always have 2 aspects.

2. The Fear for SURVIVAL, Fear of Loss of Face (Ego)

Being human, fears and insecurities are part and parcel of our daily living, hence we build security, or the illusion of security to better waylay and mask our fears. The real estate industry is one that is potentially richly rewarding, both extrinsically and intrinsically. Having said that, no great victory is ever won without great hazard. We each fight our own battles each and every day, from facing difficult colleagues, difficult buyers, difficult sellers, and ALWAYS, with the outcome in doubt. Creating an illusion of security does sometimes address the fear, but at the end of the day, the truth always stares back at you in the mirror.

Alexander the Great once was inspecting his soldier's kit before they moved off for war, when asked by his generals what he was looking for, Alexander replied,


The soldier who fights for his life with the knowledge that there is no escape fights with the fury of the dammed. And he will triumph.

Many a time, salespersons will say that the key ingredient to success in the sales business is to the "Hungry". Well, the literal outcome is not to be fed. Thus and therefore, that can only be achieved is if you give up the security of full time employment, and master your fears to make your success happen here. That is the root to the "Hunger".

The path ahead is a tricky and trying one, rest assured it need not be a lonely one should you so choose it to be. That said, there is light at the end of this journey, and the night is always darkest before the dawn.

All skills can be trained and taught, COURAGE to do the right thing, needs to be inspired.

Good Luck my Friend.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

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