Hi I am first year undergraduate student studying in a local university. I've always been interested in property market, mainly because I've seen the profits made from buying and selling properties. But I am still a student with little income from teaching tuitions, and am keen to be a part time property agent. I would like to ask the gurus here which firm is in grooming new agents? A firm that focus on teamwork rather than individuality would be one that I would want to commit to. Thanks for your time reading and answering my query!
Posted by Dan - Dec 9, 2012 - Viewed 62 times
Answers (4)
Mervin Tang

Posted Dec 10, 2012
Hi Dan,
YES!!! You are very right in that there are huge profits to be made in the buying and selling of properties.
In the industries that have no income cap, namely, MLM, Insurance and Real Estate, the primary difference between them is that Real Estate is the only field where people CALL YOU, and not the other way around.
There is an interesting aspect that you touched upon, that of the concept of a firm that focuses on "teamwork", rather than "individuality" that, "I want to commit to."
Let me address this in 2 aspects.
1. Teamwork vs Individuality
This is a very interestingly noble concept. In the structure of the business, which is the same as a MLM or in Insurance, there is a multi-tier commission overriding system which makes for vested interests to grow on a vertical basis, but never on a horizontal basis.
Thus, your peers will never have a share in any of your production. Thus and therefore, how is it reasonable to expect any assistance from your peers if they have no economic interest in you? Hence, apart from daily manners and niceties, there is no further assistance from "Team".
In this sense, the business framework dooms the possibility of the business working in team concepts, simply because the business system does not allow it.
There is though another way. In my previous business/employment before real estate, we dabbled into the science behind business systems, and as many business gurus will say, "Behind systems are people". I have taken it one step further to say, "People define Culture, and the BUSINESS CULTURE is what supports the SYSTEM".
In this case, I will define it for you, in order for team work to function with any functionality in the real estate universe, there first must be a culture of:
1. Openness
2. Sharing
In practice, this just means that any friendly face you meet in a hostile showflat, WILL assist you. Any difficulty you face, you ARE one phone call away from a team mate to assist, In the event where you are stuck in closing a buyer, the NEAREST senior/team mate will rescue you.
There are no written agreements that define this cultural system, just that to know that the PEOPLE ARE THE SYSTEM. There are only 2 simple rules.
A) "Give freely what has been given to you".
B) "Mutually assured destruction".
To explain B, let's use a powerful quote:
"Everyone Fights, Noone Quits, Noone get's left behind".
2. "I want to commit to"
In the word "Team", there is no "I".
First and foremost, there is and always will be your team-mates. Work with them, Trust them, they will be your family away from home.
This is the underlying bedrock on which our teams are built.
Money and success are a by-product of all this.
Get your foundation right, build a strong supportive team as I have defined above, and you can build your empire to the sky.
Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg
Discussions: http://sg-realestate-sg.blogspot.com/
YES!!! You are very right in that there are huge profits to be made in the buying and selling of properties.
In the industries that have no income cap, namely, MLM, Insurance and Real Estate, the primary difference between them is that Real Estate is the only field where people CALL YOU, and not the other way around.
There is an interesting aspect that you touched upon, that of the concept of a firm that focuses on "teamwork", rather than "individuality" that, "I want to commit to."
Let me address this in 2 aspects.
1. Teamwork vs Individuality
This is a very interestingly noble concept. In the structure of the business, which is the same as a MLM or in Insurance, there is a multi-tier commission overriding system which makes for vested interests to grow on a vertical basis, but never on a horizontal basis.
Thus, your peers will never have a share in any of your production. Thus and therefore, how is it reasonable to expect any assistance from your peers if they have no economic interest in you? Hence, apart from daily manners and niceties, there is no further assistance from "Team".
In this sense, the business framework dooms the possibility of the business working in team concepts, simply because the business system does not allow it.
There is though another way. In my previous business/employment before real estate, we dabbled into the science behind business systems, and as many business gurus will say, "Behind systems are people". I have taken it one step further to say, "People define Culture, and the BUSINESS CULTURE is what supports the SYSTEM".
In this case, I will define it for you, in order for team work to function with any functionality in the real estate universe, there first must be a culture of:
1. Openness
2. Sharing
In practice, this just means that any friendly face you meet in a hostile showflat, WILL assist you. Any difficulty you face, you ARE one phone call away from a team mate to assist, In the event where you are stuck in closing a buyer, the NEAREST senior/team mate will rescue you.
There are no written agreements that define this cultural system, just that to know that the PEOPLE ARE THE SYSTEM. There are only 2 simple rules.
A) "Give freely what has been given to you".
B) "Mutually assured destruction".
To explain B, let's use a powerful quote:
"Everyone Fights, Noone Quits, Noone get's left behind".
2. "I want to commit to"
In the word "Team", there is no "I".
First and foremost, there is and always will be your team-mates. Work with them, Trust them, they will be your family away from home.
This is the underlying bedrock on which our teams are built.
Money and success are a by-product of all this.
Get your foundation right, build a strong supportive team as I have defined above, and you can build your empire to the sky.
Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg
Discussions: http://sg-realestate-sg.blogspot.com/
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