Hey All,
At this stage, I am writing this as a team culture alignment. At this stage in a team's growth, as with a child growing up, there are only so many chances that the right tone, the right culture may be built.
Right now, we are a very open, team orientated family group whereby we got each other's backs in any and every situation, this allows the flexibility to maneuver and share tasks that would otherwise not be available in other situations given the lone ranger nature of this industry, currently we can approach projects, build GTAs, and still be able to do the research, planning and ground work all as a team, which is already rare in any real estate company.
And yet, there is more to build upon.
Moving into the next phase of our building, we have diversified the team across 3 main projects/Sectors:
1. King Albert Park
2. Midtown
3. NE Sites
In the project entry phase, EVERYONE got assigned to their Group Leaders (GL) of choice or recommendation. In this sense, which brings me to our next step in our team's evolution.
I have been pondering why all fellow team mates were readily accepted to the Core Team Groups. The most telling reason that first comes to mind is that ALL associates that come from this team and claim the use of our collective brand name, are all very well trained. Some of you would have been approached by multiple Group Leaders all wanting to enlist your abilities, and this tells very much on how far you have been trained over a very short period of time.
Is that enough? At this stage, I would like to add 2 more ingredients:
Working in combined teams outside the group, and most importantly within the Division, ALL the group leaders, team leaders all know each other. To have a functioning team environment, high morale is key and fundamental, followed closely by Discipline and Commitment.
To put them simply, FULFILL whatever you have committed yourself to do. ON TIME, ON TARGET.
Nothing less that the complete fulfillment of the accepted task is permissible, no excuses.
Some examples:
"I woke up late..."
"I need to meet my long lost friend/dog..."
"I forgot I was on duty..."
"I am tired from yesterday's...."
"I don't feel like working today..."
Any failure to do so, is a personal integrity failure to self, and a negative impact to our collective BRAND. These are cumulative, and overtime, are detrimental to your personal brand. For example, over time, no decent GL would touch such a CT member with a 30ft pole, or risk the negative influence on their own team.
At this stage, YOU are the pioneers of this great adventure, this will be something that is owned and built by you yourselves. Your own collective brand. Thus far, we have done well. Let's keep it that way, and be vigilant in guarding it all the way till momentum carries it running.
Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Senior Marketing Manager
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg
Discussions: http://sg-realestate-sg.blogspot.com/
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