Sunday, 10 March 2013

The First Step, is ALWAYS the Most Important Step

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Hi. If a brand new RES join a team/division in an agency but realize there is no progression n team is also not doing well. Can he/she request to transfer to another team or division in the same agency? If impossible isit advisable for him to change to another agency instead? Any advice for a new bird that is looking to join the industry full time? Is it more appropriate to start off doing project sales or hdb sales? What are the start up cost involved?

Posted by newbird - Mar 3, 2013 -Viewed 119 times


Answers (9)

Mervin Tang

Posted Mar 11, 2013

Dear Newbie,

Thank you for your queries as above,

I take it that you have yet to join an agency and are worried about making the wrong choices?

I will break-down and answer your queries as they are:

1. On switching within teams or across agencies
The first step is always the most important step, in this case, I would recommend making the right step as the main priority.

All new entrants have a limited "lifespan", in that they need to start generating a positive result and having cash coming in, without which their savings would dry up and they would be forced to leave the industry.

In this sense, meeting and interacting with your prospective new managers is vital. Much can be said about one's abilities, however I find the best approach is to meet the team leader's team.

"Show me the men, and I will know the leader, show me the leader, and I will know the men".

Both are reflections of each other, and are very difficult to disguise, hence, look for the team culture that best supports each other, and from the results of the junior team that the leader had derived a direct result on. Most teams only come together for gatherings and meetings due to the "lone-ranger" nature of the business. I have toyed with a formula that has new associates work in the field at the team level, that way, with a mentor and field team leader on the ground all the time, as well as having peer support, a new associate's chances of succeeding in this industry are increased many fold.

With regards to your question, different agencies have different procedures and rules on transferring between teams.

2. On transferring between agencies

This is also pointless as different agencies all have different abilities and different cultures. Furthermore, different agencies have different access to developers and project launches.

In the project launch sphere, Huttons Asia Pte Ltd is undoubtedly the market leader. We have already appeared in the news 3 times with the launches of QBay, La Fiesta and Alexandra Central for those 3.

3. On Start-Up Costs

This really depends on the business plan and the marketing vehicles involved. Start Up costs usually pertain more towards "Systems Based Marketing".

This is why a lot of new associates start in project sales. There is a ready product on hand, and if you focus on direct marketing such as hyping or TM, there is virtually no cost, and unlimited income!!

For newbies looking to start and picking between HDB and Projects, it really is a no-brainer situation. Meaning, from the very onset, some Agencies have access to New Launch Projects, some do not. Thus, if you are with an agency that has many good quality launches, you would also be able to do HDB, but the same is clearly NOT true for the converse.

Hope the above sheds some perspective into your concerns.

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang

Marketing Manager

Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales

CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Sales Enquiry:

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