Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The Fallacy of a Part Time Effort in ANY Endevour

I just sat for the september RES exam and looking to join an agency if i am able to pass the exam. I have some doubts in choosing the agencies in the market. 1) What is the range of joining fee in joining an agency ? 2) What will be the monthly expenses expected before I can earn any commission from selling property? 3) I would like to start as a part time agent. Is it possible? Thanks .

Posted by Anonymous - 2013-10-15 13:40:58 - Viewed 176 times

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your questions above.

The first part of your question is easy as it as most agencies are either bearing the cost of the joining fee, or reimbursing it later on.  Do check the fine print for this as CEA rules protect the buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants only.  Inter agent sales talk is as yet unregulated.

The second question on expenses is really much more difficult.  The question that you have is easy to answer if you are an experienced agent with substantial resources.  However, if you are a new agent with limited "Shelf Life" and limited resources, it really comes down to a plan for optimal resource allocation to get the desired result.

In this aspect, your mentor and upline must build this plan together with you to give the maximum odds of success.

The third part of your question on joining as a part time agent is really what catches my interest in this answer segment.

New associates come into the industry on a part time basis for a variety of reasons.  For example,
1.  To build up resources before venturing in full time
2.  To allow some transition time in skills acquisition
3.  To "try" and see if the industry is suitable for them
4.  Waiting for the right market conditions to come in

The above reasons are non-exhaustive, but there is a common thread and flaw within them.

In all transactions, Real Estate Salespersons (RES) also act as advisors in the sale and purchase process.  In that way, part of the deal is done based on the confidence that the transacting parties have in the RES.

A "part-timer" essentially says to the transacting parties,

"I lack the abilities/resources/confidence to bet everything on this as my business/career".

Thus from a business building perspective, "part timing" is not a long term solution as it directly reflects the confidence that you bring into the business.  This aspect is often missed out out, and yet is still critical to the mindset of the RES which determines future success or failure.

Good luck in your path ahead!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg
Career Discussions: http://sg-realestate-sg.blogspot.com/


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