Hello agents, I have passed my RES and am looking to sign up with an agency. Can the agents from the various agencies please provide me some information for my research? 1) joining fees 2) commission structure 3) possibility of being stationed at new launches please provide your contact numbers too so that I can contact you if I am interested to join!
Posted by Anonymous - 2013-10-15 20:42:39 - Viewed 149 times
Answers (14)
Mervin Tang

Posted 2013-10-30 14:24:29
Thank you for your question above.
First and foremost, the questions you ask at the surface level are very much like what typical new joining associates would ask. However let me help you to expand and deepen your questioning.
1. On Joining Fees
Currently most agencies are offering to pay in full, or to reimburse your joining fees. However, please pay attention to the fine print, that is to say, the "Free lunch" is conditional of either a minimum production level over a year, OR, to reimburse after you have closed a minimum number of deals.
2. On Commission Structure
The question here should really be more about the incentive structure as a whole. Meaning to say,
A) How many tiers are there? Flat tiers are incentivised to grow faster, agencies with many tiers tend to be more relaxed and more focused on sales production rather than recruitment and training.
B) What is the group profit sharing model?
C) What is the main business model of the company? Is it in the secondary or primary market? The incentive scheme is critical to your approach as it would determine how it can support your growth as a business owner. Purely looking at 70-30/80-20 does not consider the business growth potential of the overall model.
3. On Core Team Duties
Some agencies practice exclusive project allocation to their respective divisions. This limits the choices and scope of an incoming associate as you have no choice outside of the projects allocated to your division. In the long run, agencies that practice this model do not do well in the New Launch environment as individual Divisions lack the sales force to achieve project sell-out.
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd on the other hand practices a WHOLE COMPANY approach whereby all Huttons Agents are able to select ANY Huttons project that best fits their networks and abilities to achieve a successful sale.
That said, the above questions though important, are like the icing on the cake, and not the cake in itself.
Let me give an example: A man climbs a mountain to find Shaolin Temple to learn Kung Fu. When he meets the Shaolin High Priest, his first question is..
"Master, what brand of toilet paper do you use?"
The Real Estate World is exactly the same. It is about learning "Kung Fu" from your chosen school. The details thought important, are cosmetic relative to the flavor of your cake.
Hence, get the key elements right, sweat the details later.
Hope this sheds some light into your journey ahead!
Best Regards,
Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg
Career Discussions: http://sg-realestate-sg.blogspot.com/
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