Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Why Do Real Estate Salespersons Succeed At Different Speeds?

Hi, My question might seem a bit stupid. But I would really like to know how much a real estate salesperson earning annually. Provided he/she is a full time and active salesperson. I understand that there are many factors affecting the income but i just want to know the average. Thanks.

Posted by Anonymous - 2013-10-23 15:40:02 - Viewed 227 times


Thank you for your question as above.  Firstly, in learning, there is no such thing as a "stupid" question, rather it is only stupid when you do not ask any questions at all.

To set you off on the right path, firstly, perhaps you might want to seek to revise your question into understanding what is applicable to yourself.  Meaning, the question that you ask needs to answer the doubt that you have.

Let me help you out, the Real Estate Industry is one that is massively asymmetrical, meaning that 80% of the entire industry's income is earned by the top 20%, and the bottom 80% only make 20% of the balance income (The 80% also contains the "part-time" RES personal).

At the same time, do not get too carried away with the stellar results that some brand new associates come with, because these are only 1 in 100, and of course there are simpler reasons to explain that.

Part and parcel of a new associate's success in the industry comes from a two aspects,

1. What networks do you currently come into the industry with?  The industry is such that "networks" are the key driving mechanism to fast tracked success.

2.  Base skills in sales, negotiations and networking

If an associate comes in brand new in terms of skills sets AND the lack of networks, then the main success factor would be a very positive attitude, and well focused energy.  Meaning to say all the time, resources and energy MUST be focused and harnessed in an effective manner to generate the needed results.  This, however takes time, effort, and a dash of luck.

To put some numbers into your equation as above, I would venture 2 average numbers, meaning to say, an average result for the bulk of the 80% in the industry, and the threshold for the top 20% of the industry.

My best guess would be as follows:

$28,000 average for the bulk of the 80%
>$100,000 to qualify for the top 20%

Thus, in conclusion, understanding the numbers is one aspect to the whole equation, the next part that is critical is in understanding the necessary components to get yourself there.

Meaning in a simple formularized breakdown:

Top 20% = (Training + Mentorship + Team Support + Networking + Determination + Effort + Luck)

Hope the above helps to shed some light into your path ahead!

Best Regards,

Mervin Tang
Group Director
Division Lead Trainer, Project Sales
CEA Reg No. : R030951Z
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: (65) 9184 0208
Website: http://www.SGrealestate.sg
Sales Enquiry: mervintang@SGrealestate.sg
Career Discussions: http://sg-realestate-sg.blogspot.com/


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